
Well, it is *actual* discrimination against Christians for once. Normally they have to imagine it.

Hey whatever it takes to get them somewhere safe, I really don't give a shit how it happens.

Do you think evangelical types care about petty little points like that? No, she is Christian and the whole family is telegenic which will suit their purposes nicely.

All of those fundies in Congress will be falling all over themselves to make that happen. Be assured there are many mega churches who are gassing up their private jets to bring this family to freedom aka their church. This stuff is tithing gold.

There is a big difference between a group declaring a month to be for something, and between the government itself declaring that the month should be deeded to that. National doughnut day is awesome but it's not like we all get the day off work, you know?

the district that joni ernst is running for is next to mine. meaning I can't vote or not vote for her, but I'm in her fucking media market. there are probably 6 different commercials for by 6 different committees. I roll my eyes at all the other republican candidate's commercials but something about her's made me five

I do love someone willing to slam to door behind them on their way in! am British and was watching BBC Question Time this week, a show that puts politicians and commentators in front of a live audience to answer political questions. One question was asked by an African man who still had a reasonably thick accent

Before the Tea Party, the Barble Belt had the most instances of argle-bargle.

In news that comes as a shock to absolutely no one, it turns out the Tea Party is having some trouble supporting women. In this year's election, 80 candidates have been endorsed by various national Tea Party groups like Tea Party Patriots and Club for Growth. Only four of them are women

AND the "anchor baby" for her Haitian immigrant parents.

Wow, that's a whole lot of mental gymnastics for one person to perform.


I feel like part of the reason my parents have such a strong marriage (41 years and they're still best friends) is that they are totally into each other and totally not at all into the trappings of their marriage. They're actually sort of hilarious about it. I remember one day my mom walking into the room and saying

You know what? There's getting in people's heads, Reggie on Starks, there's intimidating opponents, Charles Oakley, then there is flat out crazy eyes. Lance Stephenson has crazy eyes. He's so fucking stupid he literally psyched out his own psyche trying to psyche out the Heat/Lebron.

Kirstie Alley ? Val Kilmer.... Ggggggglobal Warming

Few things in life are as simultaneously attractive and adorable as Stephen Amell posting photos of him and his daughter. Just... goddamn, sir.

you reduced a woman protesting sexism and objectification to a sex object you would like to fuck. Sounds like an MRA to me. Funny you should mention comment history: yours is exactly what led me to the conclusion that you are a motherfucking creep.

Oh knock it off. She didn't walk around with her vagina out, so it's not comparable. YOU walk around topless all the time, because you have that freedom and we don't.

I'm not entirely sure that fairy tales can be successfully "updated" for a progressive modern world, because there are HUGE regressive assumptions built right into the storylines—men possessing women, vanquishing spiteful old hags, winning women as prizes, etc. If you want to tell an ethically sound, "modern" story,

sweet misogynistic and objectifying response asshole. You're not even good at it, grossie creep. Though it is really nice to imagine her (and every woman's) response to a dickbag like you: