
Wait wait wait. Are college professors also "lead educational authorities"?

I hope the Pastafarians get in on the case. Soon.

Fucking millions of progressives whom refuse to vote is the problem with our government.

This old white fart is clearly brain damaged, not firing on all cylinders. Kevoarkian him already, he had his time in the spotlights.

ok so first thing - jesus would totally NOT be down with this. the revisionist readings of christian teachings to support hatred, bullying, and a deprivation of rights is so far removed from what christianity is about. whatever happened to "love thy neighbor"? how is that part always left out of the discussion?

I have a love/hate relationship with Tennessee now that I live here.

Honestly- and I say this as a liberal Christian- I sometimes think people with these views live in fear of this God who is supposed to be love. "God-fearing" is a compliment, for them! If their rhetoric is to be believed, they believe God is all about the smitin', hurricanes and earthquakes (and autism, according to

No, I think the point is that there would be no story if people just stopped acting like assholes.

To hear them tell it, they are the most bullied people in the world. Gay kids who get harassed and physically assaulted every day need to toughen up and grow a pair; religious conservatives are oppressed victims living under the constant fear that they might someday accidentally sell a cake to a gay couple.

As someone from Tennessee I would like to apologize for my home state. For Shame!

I have radically pacifist religious beliefs. Now, personally, I recognize it isn't black and white and so understand why, say, soldiers go to war, or people kill in self-defense. But many in my denomination take "turn the other cheek" at its most radical meaning and don't believe there's any justification for war or

This worries me as well, and it could be a problem for teachers in any subject area. I'm imagining teachers getting into all sorts of trouble for pointing out a logical fallacy in a student's work (an essay, presentation, etc.), and the student claiming that their point is valid because it conforms to a religious

I grew up in Tennessee. I can tell you from experience that this is just formality to give the ok on what's been happening for a long time. It's not even a matter of Christian vs any other belief, I was picked at for not being the same religion as whoever was doing the picking. Each of those delightful small-town

It also sounds like this is gonna screw with science teachers. If a student says the world is 6000 years old on a homework assignment does that mean they don't lose points?

It sounds like if Jesus says the answer to 2 + 2 is 5, then you can't mark a student incorrect. Which is alarming.

I like how the Right loves to call liberal policies out as "Orwellian"...

The Religious Right pretty much are grown-up bullies, so their resistance to anti-bullying policies isn't all that surprising.

They are so oppressed they need to oppress others to stop their oppression.

Yeezus! No one has it harder than Christians amirite?

After what SCOTUS ruled about prayers in public meetings I would not trust them to overturn this law.