
Bigotry is like potato chips - nobody hates just one.

After four years of hard, miserable work, I have finally hit my goal weight of 175 lbs. In August of 2010 I had bariatric lapband surgery. I weighed 412 lbs on the day of my surgery, my BMI was almost 70. The lapband is generally not recommended for people who have over 100 pounds to lose but the more radical

I'd like to thank everyone who helped me last Sunday figure out what to do about the married guy I knew in HS making me uncomfortable. General advice I got? Shut it down. What did I do yesterday? Shut it down. Thanks, all!

It's kind of the MRA mindset. The whole "if I have a job and money and good looks women will fuck me!" Nope, not a guarantee . Because women want someone who'll treat them like people-not toys.

but making him feel invisible and unwanted for his entire life might drive him over the edge.

My bananas just committed suicide... :(

Most MRAs are too chickenshit to go on killing sprees, but they all want to. It's a hate group, like the KKK.

Every one of his videos shows he was an entitled fucking douchebag. I will damn straight condemn that shit wherever I see it.

I would not suggest going to the rape discussion that I ventured to. They think that rape is a joke and that their lives are 100000x worse than a rape victim's life. I am in a blind, unbelieving rage right now.

Geeze, I called this one right. When the headlines first started, I posted that this would be a typical douchebag MRA guy spouting all their talking points.

I don't have cat videos but I do have some gifs that may help.

Mr. Munch says 'Does a cute guinea pig help?'

Love that the wizards or whatever call out Jezebel in that thread. Because we are obviously the issue here.

I visited the Wizardchan link, and it's chilling. I'm not even talking about the shooter: I'm talking about all the guys who have basically decided women are all whores and therefore unworthy of them. Guys, come on! Virginity isn't a permanent condition!

Well comsidering the fact that it was an MRA who hated rejection and hated, dun dun dun... feminism...

Apart from anything else, it's just bizarre to assume that a man sitting with multiple women is fucking them all.

I just don't think she is billionaire mistress caliber.

Does anyone else not find her attractive in the slightest?

So with that audio tape, I guess she basically owned Donald Sterling the way he used to own the Clippers.