
I agree. Religion has been the cause of more pain, suffering, and death than anything else. This world would be a better place if all religion was eradicated.

The violence starts with the young men. The old men just point them in the direction they want.

This makes me sad. For many reasons, but because I usually associate intolerance with old, stodgy men who are in power (or want to be in power). When I hear young, college students talk and act like this it reminds me of how violence and hate can by cyclical. I like to think that the world as a whole is getting

This doesn't sound any different than wearing an honor cord — an outstanding citizenship in the Seminole Nation "cord" — a meaningful symbol representative of what he has accomplished (academically, athletically, socially, culturally, etc) throughout his high school years.

I can't take this school seriously when they have a Native American as a mascot. With everything this student endured (having to go to a school where his race is the mascot) he can't express, in a minor way, his heritage?

Sess, you made G4 worth watching! XPLAY, Ninja Warrior, and AoTS were the only good things to come out of that channel. Before they turned into the Cops/Cheaters marathon channel, they actually had cool stuff that wasn't aired on any other channel. I loved your reviews on Rev3. You gave your honest opinion and

Adam Sessler is no longer part of the gaming press. He now runs his media and entertainment consulting firm TheoryHead Inc. He lives in San Francisco with his wife, and he still loves her smile.

Seeing a big image of your face pop up on the front page made me think that you had died, for some reason. Glad that isn't the case.

dear god why

Nobody would mess with me, that is for sure.

I've had breast implants. Twice. The first time because I've always loved big ol titties and I wanted my OWN big ol titties. (after having my first kid, my sorta kinda little titties turned into pretty much little old flappies) I had them redone a few years ago when one of them deflated (a known issue, so they

I'm a pale redhead, so I've never had visible eyebrows or lashes. But I just had them dyed for the first time about 3 weeks ago. It's very subtle, but I've gotten lots of vague compliments since. (e.g. "did you do something different with your make-up," "you look well-rested") I'm still not sure how to feel about

Right now, my "would if I could afford it" thing is Latisse. I wanna grow more eyebrows, fuck yeah. I don't care if I grow a horn or something as a side effect.

I am from Brazil. Everyone and their mother - and their dad - has cosmetic surgery. Really.

"I've got a great idea! Let's take away women's access to healthcare, force them to have children they can't support, and then blame THEM when they go on welfare! And then, we can take away the welfare! THAT WILL SURELY FIX EVERYTHING!"


Forcing women to go to Bossier City for any reason should be the real crime, amirite?

Hold on a sec. I'll be right back. I'm gonna be flipping all the tables in sight. No table shall be left unflipped.