
So tell us more! Did it hurt? Is it on one of your front teeth or is it hidden in the back?

Don't you talk shit about the size of those burritos, GingerUnicorn. They are the ideal hangover food because you eat them in stages. You eat like 1/3 then start feeling sick, then you recover and eat the next 1/3, then for dinner you have the final 1/3.

From pictures of some of these dorks, I wouldn't trust them with a box of donuts.

Exactly. In fact, I trust random dickface who wants to play show and tell less than I would trust the average gun over. Random dickface obviously has something to prove and doesn't treat his gun like the lethal weapon it is. Damn straight I'm afraid of that.

I know everyone is all serious about guns and shit but I want to talk about their food for a second. They use too much damn cilantro and onions in their pico. Why all the cilanto?! No one needs that much cilantro. And why do they have to make their burritos SO LARGE? Does Bigfoot eat at Chipotle? T-Rex? I doubt it.

Yeah, "Do I trust the jackhole with the AR-15 to be safe with his gun? Fuck no, I don't."


Suck it, bigots.


Jane Lynch, I feel ya. When I was 13 I went on vacation with my family and wrote "I am gay" in huge letters on this desolate stretch of beach knowing that they would be washed away when the tide came in, but feeling like I needed to tell someone, even if it was just the ocean. Being a closeted little one is really

Can we get over black people using the n-word? I don't have an issue with groups taking ownership of slurs directed at them, be it "queer" or "redneck". It's simply not equivalent to a racist using the term as a pejorative. And hey, mainstream society created those slurs - they don't get to complain when the targets

I worry about drunk gun owners, but I worry more about the asshole who grabs an openly carried gun from its owner. Open carry just seems like a stupid idea all around.

What hypocrisy? That an owner in a league with a predominantly black workforce and a large black fanbase is being kicked out for saying repugnant things that offended a lot of people and threatened to harm the league's business? Not sure exactly what is hypocritical about businessmen looking to protect their

I'm a gun owner and I do open carry sometimes (when hiking in certain back country areas) and I don't even get the whole "open carry whenever, wherever" thing. I'd rather not be wondering if the jackass at the next table is going to get drunk and pull his gun on someone.

"is their capacity for getting non-crazy gun rights proponents and anti-gun activists to agree on something, that something being "fuck Open Carry Texas.""

Ah, NewsCorpse, same as it ever was.

I agree, but I think her obsession with pregnancy, to the point that she's willing to risk grave physical harm to herself, is kind of disturbing.

As much as I'd like to believe Mathis, when I heard it was for Clomid I felt pretty confident he got popped after his steroid cycle. As someone who has fairly extensive knowledge of cycling, Clomid is one of the staple drugs you take afterwards.

Maybe Mathis is an innocent victim of all those who cried wolf before him

Good for Brooklyn Beckham. I think it's great that he learns what it's like to earn a buck like everybody else. It will give him some much needed perspective that many celeb kids will never get.