
Man, that moonwalk move he does is amazing! It's almost like he's gliding across the stage weightless!

First, hologram Tupac... now, hologram MJ???

I GOT A FUCKING JOB THIS WEEK. I've been out of work for a fucking YEAR! I'm so happy right now you guys!!!!!

AH! He's an aggressive fan of cabbage.

Happy birthday!

Set up a camera discreetly to catch him in the act and then either talk to him to give him one, and I mean one, chance to knock it the fuck off or you'll call the cops or just skip all that and call the cops.

My birthday is on Tuesday and having been deeply depressed the past 7 months, I feel like I'm going into my 25th year genuinely happy!! I might have to pop some champagne early :)

I was just watching Bob Ross last night and now I hear of a painting nun also on PBS?! Anybody remember this guy and his happy trees?

I would be in jail because I would have beat the shit out of that bitch. I know violence is not the answer, blah, blah, blah. But sometimes bullies just have to be punched in the face. I was a victim of bullying before there were cameras in the halls, and my mom spent a significant amount of time fighting with school

It's all because she's done it before, I guarantee. As a teacher, I've been frustrated with kids, but I've removed myself from the situation.

Fuck fired. Charge her with assault and child abuse and throw her in the slammer. (And yes, I've been a teacher and dealt with plenty of annoying kids.)

As a former Pre-K teacher I'm not surprised.

I've reported a coworker to DCF for violence against a child; for months my life was a living hell as I became the work pariah. Even the investigation was a joke. I was consistently pressured that maybe I hadn't even seen what I had actually witnessed - by the investigator!

Sadly, it seems pretty acceptable for cops to get violent on the job.

I bet the same folks who put the ban in place would shit a brick if anyone even brought up restrictions on guns.

I have a prescription for sex toys: I have what's known as Congenital Genital Syndrome (CGS). Instead of being born like a barbie doll and engaging in normal stork-based reproduction, I was born with genitals and have to reproduce in a way that makes Jesus have a sadfase =(

And "Georgia". And "The South".

Given the ban, there is a good possibility that Amazon may NOT ship to that particular zip code - they can restrict shipping of certain products to particular areas.

Anybody here remember the moment you found out Wolverine's claws were a part of his body? Up until the moment he popped his claws with bare hands in an old issue of X-Men most people thought his gloves contained the claws. And thats exactly what you were supposed to think since at the time, that how they worked. I

I miss Milo. We had it for a hot second in Brazil when I was a kid and then it was gone and I had to settle for Ovaltine. Which was ok when it was original Swiss recipe. But now chocolate Ovaltine is all we have.

This is the kind of thing that drives a person to start smoking weed again.