
Honestly, most of us stopped saying it by high school. Not because we hated freedom or whatever, but because it was 7:30 in the morning, and thus too early for fucks.

Cautiously happy. Yay, we got something right, finally.


Haha, I never once said it because my parents claimed religious objections to it (which is kind of true in my mom's faith, but it's not like Jehovah's Witnesses or something where they're all against it, a lot of kids in her faith say it). I think it was actually just because they're a couple of old hippies and didn't

It has everything to do with rights. No one should be forced to endorse a political agenda that they disagree with.

I stopped saying the pledge in junior high, by which point it was painfully clear to me that the flag did not stand for a republic with "liberty and justice for all." I was also uneasy about the "under God" part. (The phrase was added during the McCarthy era to separate us from those godless commies, which was

I abstained from saying it quite a few times throughout my high school years. It never once was an issue with other students or my teachers. I thought I was Ms. Protest Queen but I don't think anyone gave a shit. At my high school it was more like "ARE YOU STABBING SOMEONE OR SELLING COCAINE? NO? OK GOOD CARRY ON."

"They soldiers are out there, they're doing their job."

Remember, you have the absolute right to free speech. Unless you're disagreeing with the right wing. Then you're just a bully and a troublemaker.

Yeah, but I already cashed the check from Jimmy Fallon tho. MAMA'S GETTING SOME NEW SHOES.

Miley is just a PUPPET. She is totally controlled by perv designer Marc Jacobs. He is responsible for her shocking performance and new image. Jacobs controls Rihanna and Lady Gaga as well.Read the truth about Miley here

Hanna Montana will be right back after these messages...

"And if that doesn't work, sprinkle something in their drink."

Wait, can we talk about the jokes she made about how she roofies people?

The most I've ever been shocked by Miley Cyrus was discovering she actually has a good voice. Girl can sing.

A lot of the cold, unfeeling men we've been having sex with are basically robots anyway. Why not get it on with one that will take orders?

Fucking a robot would be less awkward than fucking a republican. :)