
Soon humans, soon.

Drink while you do it.

Funny, I just went from liking Rihanna to loving her!

I believe that there are certain qualities that may be worthy of rape.

Gosh, that's adorable. I need to get some whimsical kitten energy up in herre. My cat doesn't give a fuck about boxes. He's kind of like Eeyore. If he isn't eating he basically does this all day:

Yeah, I found this to be the most important part of the original article. Her crews revolted against her claiming she was going to get someone killed.

It is the cat scratch-n-nap (best name ever!) and I got it at my local Wal-mart, I've also seen them at Pet Value. My kitties love it, I assume it is because it mixes the glory of scratching with sitting on paper goods (which cats love so so much).

Kittens, man. Kittens.

Three minutes wasn't enough. I need moar.

"that tissue box you have left over from your cold two months ago"

TIL: Meth is an integral part of premarital sex.

When people talk to these folks that push the purity agenda about their targeting of primarily young women/girls, what do they say when asked about why isn't purity pushed as hard at young men/boys?

i'm an overweight dude. if i've worked my sexual appeal into anything i question whether the people i work with are blind

So being blonde and mildly attractive will get you places in this world. And 200+ little girls are kidnapped and barely a stir is made.

Get out of here with your logical, rational conclusions.

Her sex appeal didn't work against her, her being a right wing militarist shill worked against her. Logan was a huge cheerleader for militarist responses to problems in the Muslim world. What ultimately damaged her career was going too far down the right wing rabbit hole and not properly vetting a source which told

No - white, blonde, under 45, as always.

Have we suddenly redefined 'hot'?