
"If I had certain names I would not have the truble I do,"

You stay with your pet when he or she is being euthanized. I don't care that it is "too hard" for you. You suck it up, hold your pet, give kisses, and stay until the very end. Then you go to the beach and scream for as long as it takes. You do not leave your pet behind to be euthanized alone. Period. (Also, this vet

Come on Mark, you're not even trying.

I have known quite a few cats with CH and they all live wonderful, happy lives. They walk a little funny and sometimes need to be in a place without stairs or need a special litter box, but they all are super sweet kitties who get around well — just different.


Get into a long-term relationship. *ba dum tish*

Think you could maybe learn something about how to construct a logical argument. For example, it would be unacceptable for me to dismiss your perspective because you have chosen to name yourself after an actress that has recently decided to announce her support for Woody Allen, an accused pedophile. That is committing

I too would like to see the NCAA dismantled. And the NAIA and the rest of these collegiate organizations and have sports eliminated. College is for study and research. If you need to have some athletic fun, join your local rec league.

Well, I can see how that would totally discredit anything he has to say. I would like to introduce your to my friend Ad Hominem. Perhaps you have heard of him but maybe you have never met.

Well, little girl or freshman at Arizona State.

So my Grandma uses the name Lilybell sometimes as a screename, and lemme tell ya, it's quite the trip to picture your (somewhat dickish IMHO) comment coming from my sweet, prudish Grandma's fingers. Hi Grandma! Sorry I haven't visited, I still work every day of the week so it's been hard to find time to get over

I don't have a problem with Upton either, Lindy. But please for the love of god don't put the poor woman in the Dirtbag headline again. It's like the siren call for the slimiest of the basement dwelling cheese-dicks.

meh. There are thousands of porn stars that have better body than her. Her face though, is ridiculously pretty, sexy, and cute at the same time

been waiting to use this gif.

Tidbit in the article I didn't realize: Did Francesa really imply after 9/11 that Jews were to blame, and that American Jews were disloyal? Or was that just a nonsensical Mushnick accusation / exaggeration?

To the Googlemobile!!!

Yeah, having to take a $478million profit on your investment is pretty much the same as being abducted and hung from a tree.

Let's get something clear: Donald Sterling wasn't banned from the NBA as a punishment. He was banned because what he said, which was a completely clear representation of his true beliefs, was incompatible with owning an NBA franchise. Being an NBA owner is not a totalitarian rule, and when something happens where fans

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This kind of column highlights pretty much the only redeemable aspect of Mushnick. Give him enough rope, and he knows exactly what to do.