
What the heck has this got to do with cars?

The lily flower is a good namesake for someone who wants to start fresh. Good for her, I'm glad she appears to be on the path to finding peace.

Willfully mispronouncing Beyonce's name like that is SUCH a microaggression (well probably not so micro). Basically he's saying that he will identify her as he pleases, in the context of a guy who understand French inflections but will not accept a different interpretation of the sound in reflection of her own

We're all in agreement that the Beyonce critiques are just a proxy attack on Obama, right?

Bullets cost money. Rocks are free.

BTW, this woman is a PHYSICIAN'S ASSISTANT (I tried to track down what kind of "doctor" she was - because I have a hunch that faux doctors are the ones who like being photographed with stethoscopes around their necks) - also, if she's not keeping to the terms of her "license" it should be revoked.

I'd call them out on that bullshit as well. If they don't want millions to be dependent, don't block a bill to raise the minimum wage, try to reverse Roe v. Wade, defund Head Start and after school programs, block any funds earmarked for Planned Parenthood and attempt to repeal the ACA 42 times.

Only because they can't shoot them fast enough.

Quit you! Well have none of that derogatory speak about America's job creators! That isn't corporate welfare, its all the little people thanking them through our government for all they've done for the greatest country in the world.

Mom and I had to go on food stamps once when we hit a rough patch.

Good comment.

I work 40 hours a week, and I am qualified for, and depend on food Stamps.

Watch for 100s of replies from people who have never lived near food stamp recipients!

My brother is a nurse and feels the same way about the poor. He didn't always - this "viewpoint" has evolved over time. In part because of what he sees as part of his profession everyday - the poorest people, accessing the emergency health system for varying degrees of illness (because they can't afford it otherwise),

She also ran a ponzi scheme involving raffle tickets and land.

The republicans have declared war on poverty. They're throwing rocks at the poor.

One day scientists are going to isolate the "empathy" gene and then we will discover what we all suspected: conservatives are born without it.

When is the GOP going to start focusing on all of those welfare queens on Wall Street? Their culture of tax exemptions and dependency on handouts whenever they tank the economy....sorry, sorry, what was I thinking? Those guys are accepting handouts because they love America. Not like those brown people who are just

First....fix this:

Dr. Annette Bosworth,