
Yes! You see, I got married simply for that sweet, sweet, awkward missionary hetero sex. As God intended. /s

rentboy surfacing in 3, 2, 1...

If buttsex is so unnatural, then why is poop dick-shaped?

Yeah, I agree. If you have a disgusting attitude I will not be shopping at your store. I am not gonna spend my money with someone who looks down on me. Keep your over-priced crap.

I'm like this too, and I learned it from my mom. There are stores people were rude to her in 25 years ago that she still won't go into today, and if you mention that store she will tell you why she won't shop there as though the occurrence is far more recent. She holds a mean grudge, that's for sure.

We have a restaurant in our neighborhood that's supposed to be the epitome of hip - vegan options, slam poetry, open mic night - everyone raves about it. I've never gotten decent service there. Once, we were turned away from a half empty restaurant because they had "no tables." I suspect it's because we're goth.

Yeah, I am not one of these people. You don't want to help me? Won't give me the time of day? I'm gone. And I'll probably tell other people how shitty your service was.

It is rare for me to hate somebody as much as a rapist but my feelings for this judge is nothing less than sheer and utter venom. He is an elected judge who knew the law, decided not to adhere to it, blamed the victim repeatedly and even when told by his peers that he was grossly incorrect, he continued to deny that

THANK FUCKING GOD- also, someone needs to do some digging on that original judge and figure out why he's trying to so hard to justify a grown man having sex with his 14 yo STUDENT being okay

"wasn't forcible, beat-up rape"

Good trolling jfpmfers


Get off my lawn!

These Mother FRACKERS right here...


Yesh, I like thish auto show.

I blame this guy.

It was the Great War.

No, according to a video that I saw online, the dinosaurs were able to fit aboard the Ark, because Noah only brought the small "juveniles"