

Never fails to make me smile. I think this exchange happened with Ewan McGregor.

McGregor: I don't watch Doctor Who.
Ferguson: How long have you been a member Al-Qaeda?

He's such a fanboy.


Better the super-talented Aisha than the completely dull Handler.

I'm a 27-y.o. woman with a 51-y.o. boyfriend and I could not be happier or more in love. We already deal with a lot of "ew" comments from those we know so a stranger dishing out judgment is nothing new, but thanks anyway! For the record, his dick works fabulously, he could pass for 35 and no, he isn't a millionaire

2 Carlos Gomez experiences to share.

Gwyneth must be organically gaslighting Chris Martin into thinking it's all his fault.
And it was all yellow.

Now playing

God rest your soul, DJ E-Z. Watch and learn, kids!

I was JUST listening to that song I Need a Hero about an hour ago. And now the universe has delivered.

It's funny. You see all this "support the cops" line of thinking. Yet most of the cops I know are either the worst kind of asshole or are the one of a few decent human beings on the force who will gladly tell you how shitty most cops are.

Some may laugh but let me tell you. My most recent slampiece was intermittently dating a lady twice his age when he was 35 (during our on-and-off FWB arrangement). Give THAT a nice long think. My point, this lady is my new role model.

STAY AWAY FROM MAH MAN you... you awesome badass granny. *cries* *sniff* Go out with me?

YASSSSSSSS, Granny! Serving that Great Depression realness!

That's a pretty sweet looking wicker lounge chair Baddie. You can take my man if I can have your sunroom!

" That page reads 'If God hadn't wanted us to masturbate, then God wouldn't have given us thumbs."

Dude, not even middle/high school — I still remember learning my first "curse words" in 1st/2nd grade and what sex was around that time. I have a memory of my entire 3rd grade class giggling when my 3rd grade teacher had us read a paragraph about science and there was the word "sex"(as in male/female) in the passage.

ugh in high school i was too polite to ever pass up the PETA-variety go-veggie pamphlets (complete with pictures of mutilated animals), or the mini new testaments, or the here's-what-an-aborted-fetus-looks-like-kiddos pamphlets— so that was all made available to me, but give a teenager a book written by an

There is nothing in this world more ugly than someone who wants to prevent a person from reading a book or trying to ban one. Usually they're ill-informed pearl clutching busybodies who haven't even read the text in question. It's one of the most small minded little evils.

I wonder what police would have done if she had been feeding the homeless or something?

My low standards for police are confirmed when I feel like praising them for not arresting her. It's like giving every man who doesn't rape people a cookie!