
[clears throat]

I'm having a hard time feeling sorry for Doc Rivers.

there's this whole fucking gigantic megachasm of a difference between seeing eye-to-eye with somebody and treating an entire gender as a replaceable commodity based on how well you can control them

You see "not seeing eye-to-eye", I see a controlling jackass that wants a women to cater to his every whim (even so far as to try to dictate what she posts on her personal Instagram account...WTF?).

Racist people let black folk cook and breast feed their kids even as they called them filthy and enslaved them. White men savagely raped slave women while keeping them in chains. So yeah. He IS racist. If you say racist shit shit you are a racist.

I hope you're either being sarcastic or just trolling because it would be sad to think that you are in fact this stupid.

Does it really matter that he's sleeping with a black woman? Slave owners slept with their slaves. If you pay attention you'll notice his views are straight out of the antebellum South. He's upset with her because he can't pass her off as white or Latino.

"If my girl can't do what I want, I don't want the girl. I'll find a girl that will do what I want!" And we can add misogynist to the list of why he is a scumbag.

You might be a redneck if...

She might have been leading him into this conversation, but I expect it's a conversation they've had a bunch of times without a tape recorder running. She just made him say it on tape, she didn't put the words in his mouth.

Sterling is part of a league and while I'm not a lawyer for either party I would imagine there is some kind of language that allows the NBA an out with an owner if they absolutely find it they have to. There's no way this guy can continue down this road and still be an owner. It's 2014, and fuck that shit.

Love it when South Park is right. #stupidandpoor

You are right. Southern whites have had it so bad for so long. The Confederate flag is clearly a symbol of cultural solidarity and love with absolutely zero negative connotation whatsoever. In addition, shaving an American flag in your chest hair and drink Busch Light is a sign of a deep thinking, refined

If there is something we haven't seen enough of on Deadspin the past few days, it is stupid white people.

Wow, good for LeBron. Jordan wouldn't have taken that strong of a stand.

My husband and my cat has breast cancer. She's had a partial mastectomy and is now undergoing chemotherapy. The only way I found the cancer when I did (before she showed any signs of illness) was by petting her where she didn't like to be petted. For ANYONE with pets in your family, do monthly wellness checks (FULL

Internet Drinking Game:

Thanks Mark! Carol's the best. She just makes me happy, and makes me think of watching her show every Saturday night as child with my beloved grandmother. Happy Birthday to Carol!

Those people who are willing to sit down and look at what you have to say are few and far between. Last night on Facebook was a big blowup between 1/2 the people I know and an anti-vaxxer who didn't inoculate his kid and who also believes that unless there's a gun to your head it's not rape (he literally said that

You know David Stern is a fucking asshole for letting this dude run around while constantly fining Mark Cuban, no matter how you feel about Mark.