
Yep, there it is.

Yeah, his whole class was full of idiotic, outdated gender role stuff. He showed a news story about a couple who hid the gender of their baby from relatives for like the 1st year or 2, and his conclusion was that "some parents should just have their children taken away! Amirite?" And he repeatedly asserted that the

Yep, take your heternormative bullshit and 50s gender roles outside. Gay men and single dads have children. Adoptive parents have children. Mothers "typically work harder" because they have children. Even, *gasp* single mothers! Did I mention that a student's home life is absolutely none of this misogynstic asshole's

I'm giving that entire anecdote about Nabokov some major side eye. :(

Yeah, I'm in the UK too, and I'm desperate for an NHA Party candidate in my area, otherwise I don't have anyone I can vote for. I grew up in a Labour family, most of whom hate what the party has become. We desperately need a different electoral system to replace First Past The Post.

Disturbingly I rather admire that too. Not because it's goo - again, it's truly awful, and the consequences will be dire, but because it's incredibly smart and effective. I find it hard to believe politicians are competent enough to have achieved it. The right has someone entirely defined the language of american

Maybe it's just because I don't know very many Russians, but are all men named Vladimir total creeps? There's Vlad the Impaler, Vlad the Putin, Vlad the Cannibal, this particular Vlad the Asshat.... Surely there's a "Vlad the Decent and Reasonable" out there somewhere.

This is nothing new coming from him. As a Russian speaking person who follows political events in Russia closely, I can tell you that Zhirinovsky is literally a self proclaimed misogynist. There is an interview in which he stated that he hates women and that all men hate women too. He also said that all women should

I'm from the UK, where politicians are trained to take no stance on anything whatsoever. Where people infer things about their agenda because none of them will say anything out loud that might be taken for policy or position. So I actually admire the sincerity of American politicians, who are willing to stand up and

It's not mentioned here, but it's in the linked article.

He's also yelling "Christ has risen, indeed he has risen" over and over again. Because if you can't throw some religious rhetoric into your homophobic rant, you're pretty much a second rate bigot.

"We need healthy people. Pregnant women should not show up at work. Sit at home and look after your child, got that?"

And later, in the calm of a warm, beautiful Easter afternoon, I realize that my id has escaped into the internet.

On the one hand, sexualized postage stamps of any kind seems like an odd idea. On the other hand, nations throughout the world have been putting really odd things on stamps for decades. If this were the default stamp for a standard letter, I could understand people being uncomfortable, but it's obviously a

Couldn't resist adding. NSFW

I thought I felt like "I Have the Weirdest Boner Right Now" but this more accurately represents how I feel.

There are healthier ways of being active than running further than anyone actually needs to.

I'll never understand why people choose to run these things. The legend states that the guy who ran from Marathon to Athens died shortly after completing the run. DIED. Why would you do that to yourself?