
What I find particularly galling is that the Inaugural Luncheon is serving ‘special Inaugural Edition Korbel.’ IT’S HIS FUCKING INAUGURATION AND HIS CHEAP, CLASSLESS ASS IS SERVING GODDAMN KORBEL!!!! Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin are rolling over in their fucking graves and across the pond, so is Churchill.


I just want
Anybody else
And when I think about you
I punch myself

He’s gonna blame it on the rainy weather.

I can tell you my hate for Trump will still be strong

I can see you

Teddy Roosevelt is spinning.

He’s not the only Republican just finding out what his job entails....

That “respect authority” bit is ready for another look, too. This “tradition for tradition’s sake alone” Stockholm syndrome shit has to go- especially in this “unpresidented” era.

This is completely off topic, but I am in need of help. My best friend Crystal’s birthday is Sunday, and we’re all having a Sunday brunch to celebrate.

It’s really sad, because every first lady has not only been poised and educated, but has worked actively on their platform. I hate “just say no” with the fury of a thousand suns, but that campaign still came from a genuine if misguided heart. Hillary Clinton was probably the most influential first lady in modern

Because the between 30 and 40 percent of each red state who voted for Hillary Clinton should get tossed out with the bath water.

It just sickens me that his picture is gonna be in the lineup with Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt and Obama.

Hey now, no reason to disparage girly-girls.

Didn’t we cover this? The whole thinking a teenager (what with all the awkward and tumultuous social bullshit and hormones and lack of impulse control and not-yet-developed brain), a FEMALE teenager, should somehow immediately be able to handle these situations with her peers/friends with grace and ease. Ahh but the

Imf just saying that if some dude was doing this to a girl - and dudes did literally exactly this to girls in HS - and suddenly the men were all clutching pearls that she hit back at a place we’ve all hit at and been hit at, I’d be surprised.

My daughter once “beat up” a boy with her bra. He said something gross to her, she called him on it, he doubled down with more gross ... and she pulled her bra out from under her shirt and hit him over the head with it. My daughter is 98lbs on a good day and her bras are 99% padding so it was basically a one-sided

Great piece. And may I recommend getting fat? I am completely invisible now. But nothing makes men angrier than a fat feminist who loves herself. Example number one - Lindy West. She rocks.

Great piece. And may I recommend getting fat? I am completely invisible now. But nothing makes men angrier than a fat feminist who loves herself. Example number one - Lindy West. She rocks.