


Webber tried to take a timeout to complain about the call.

Reuben, what happened at the combined?!

Do you mean jeopardizing the health of his best player by playing him a ton of minutes every game?

“I can’t mess this up for him”

You could say Portland blazed a trail with this Plumlee of a deal.

I wouldn’t fuck with Oak at his funeral.

Oakley’s Wikipedia page at the moment:

All power to LeBron because that was an incredible shot, but I also love me some Kevin Love outlet passes.

If the Blazers did indeed win the equivalent of hitting the lottery by not signing parsons, they then also did the equivalent of blowing their winnings in Vegas by signing Evan Turner.


Are we sure he is from Romania?

Oh yeah. After their 5-11 season and perpetually threatening to move the team if the city didn’t meet the owner’s ransom demands, I’m sure the bandwagon was really filling up this year...

And yet no schools seem interested in his stepbrother, Meander Couchpotato.


They had to wait for someone to leak it.

Impressive level of commitment from the coaches, especially Georgia’s. Georgia basketball produces such apathy I wouldn’t be surprised if Herschel Walker is the most popular jersey at home games

You obviously don't lift.