Chum Joely

I guess you can hope for a gas leak/explosion in a neighboring building?

That's true, I have the same issue. But then again, the whole reason I have been wanting to institute a "What Have You Finished" thread was because finishing games is such a huge deal for me that I am always excited to talk about it, but this forum is more oriented towards "what are you about to play".

Awesome. At first I was like, "oh great, some story about a frog", but then you pulled a Tepor and shared a truly brilliant story! 8^) I can totally imagine how fun that must have been for your and your brother at the time.

I sense that was basically meant as a rhetorical question, but you got me interested enough to finally check at It says 34 hours main story, 47 hours for main + extra, or 62.5 hours for "completionist". Given my experience with this site's estimates, that probably means I'll spend high 40s or low

That last mission is tough. You should be fine up to the last room, but there is a deeply unfair difficulty spike when the Avatars show up. Watch your step, and good luck!!

I'm just barely getting into Planescape: Torment, still bumbling around the Hive talking to people at immense length and occasionally making slight progress towards finding Pharod. I do really like the writing but the combat is so… blah… that I am not all that motivate to play. It's like, there's not much of a sense

What Have You Finished This Week?

Not too much gaming going on for me this weekend, as I'm traveling— getting ready for my family's somewhat ill-timed move from Canada back to the US, but hey, our parents are getting older so we want to live closer to them. Also, maybe they can take care of our kids once in a while for a date night because raising two

Yeah, I have played through the first few hours of the first game a couple of times (farthest I got was some kind of epic battle on a bridge versus way too many of the evil golem bad guys, which I lost). Lovely game, I just somehow lost track of it…

I've heard that. (Don't have a Switch or Wii U so I haven't seen it for myself.) But it seemed like a lot of people were saying that even though the actual boss fight was not so tough, the whole journey of getting there made it feel right…?

Cool observations. I saw The Sexy Brutale featured in the Steam Store recently and was mildly intrigued… now definitely more so.

I have never played a Persona game and I doubt I'll have time for any of them… pretty much ever. Too bad, since it sounds like they're kind of intriguing (though I am not sure how much I could get into the high school stuff).

I hear you. Enemy Within is actually quite a bit different (and better) than Enemy Unknown , which I guess is why they priced it more or less like a new game when it came out… but the core gameplay of those two is significantly closer to "identical" than if you compare to XCOM 2 which is doing some really new things.

I was playing it every day for a while last year, and I got to the final battle a few times, but I made a critical error on what had been my best run— it was my first time against the final ship and I didn't even consider that killing off the crew in the usual way wouldn't be sufficient. So all of a sudden the ship

What's not to like? (sniff)

I played a tiny bit of Mafia III with my brother last time I visited him, it seemed pretty fun. How timely that there's an element of taking on racists defending the Confederacy in (pseudo-) New Orleans. Knock down a monument for me!

Congrats on the upcoming kid! With a newborn, it ain't easy, but you'll have some free time back in just a few short years :) I usually try to schedule my gaming time for when the kids (now 10 and 8) are on their gaming time.

Heh, glad I'm not the only one who takes for-e-v-e-r to finish the longer games. I'm sitting on half-finished playthroughs of Fallout 4 and The Witness that I haven't touched in a few months, so the risk of "having to" start over is increasing… and then there's Witcher 3 which is staring at me from the bottom of my

Yeah, can't wait. (shudder)

I've only gotten as far as level 2 so far but maybe I'll put some more serious time into it this weekend. I haven't developed that intuitive feel for the cues yet— even on level 2, I feel like I have to just memorize some of the quicker sequences because they aren't signaled clearly enough (or soon enough?) for me to