Chum Joely

I was a bit taken aback by that too. Fortunately I quickly discovered that there's a controller button (left bumper, I believe) that opens a little menu with the available "voice commands" that you can then select without saying a thing. It's really rare that I use a microphone when gaming, mainly because my computer

Maybe that's it (too). My brother put Thimbleweed on "text only" right away for maximum retro pleasure. He might have been on to something.

It seems pretty goofy so far but I'll give it a chance. So far I am more annoyed by some technical issues that relate to having to configure everything from a launcher before you start to play, rather than an in-game options menu.

Ha, yeah, everybody says that. It's just because our parents are getting older and we wanted to be closer but not too close (2 hours' drive instead of 6+). Also please note that this move was planned way before the tragic events of November 2016. We are still not thrilled with losing our automatic state-funded health

Hmm, I have Deponia in my backlog too (got it on some sort of sale), so I guess I have some bad acting to look forward to.

Damn, it's been forever since I've been on here. Again. Probably because my laptop died two days before moving with my family from Canada to the US. Well, I've got the new laptop and we're settling in to the new place (lovely quiet countryside, and way more space to store our insane amount of stuff than at the old

Maybe it just seemed that short. Steam tells me I have played for 2 hours, which means anywhere under 3, but I did replay the first 20-30 minutes after starting, then putting it aside for two months.

That fight is a somewhat major difficulty spike so it's hard to be truly ready. Fortunately, my XCOM-trained instincts served me well— I had been leveling everyone up semi-equally rather than heavily focusing on a few people, and I bought/found some good items (armor break and armor boost, especially). Downside: not

I played a game last week (1979 Revolution: Black Friday) that took like 90 minutes, and I was completely shocked to get through a game that fast. "That's not a game, it's a long-form trailer!"

Good luck! Isn't it a pain when real-life responsibilities get in the way of your video games??

Cool, thanks. I'm starting to envision something tangentially like The Legend of Korra (the show— I haven't played the game although some folks around here have). Deep and fascinating fantasy story and a surprisingly well-designed sport helping to drive the drama along— and from what I hear, the games really do affect

Thanks! I have only played on PC with M&K controls, so I can't be sure. It's a pretty basic control scheme, so if XCOM: Enemy Unknown can work equally well on PC and PS3 (I've played both), it seems like The Banner Saga would play just fine with a controller too. In fact, maybe having a couple of extra controller

Yep, sounds just like you! Thanks! (dies of sudden headshot) (does triple Axel death flip)

I'm really intrigued by Pyre. I mean, it's Supergiant so there's no doubt in my mind that I will end up buying it (once I've "earned" it by finishing the requisite number of games off my backlog). But the sports aspect seems… weird. I've read a couple of reviews and watched the trailers (no actual gameplay videos

Awesome. Just one question: what the heck is "spruiking"? I didn't know they spoke Dutch in Australia?!

What Have You Finished This Week?

There I was, making excellent progress on Backlog Quest (the main rule of which is: finish 5 games I already own before buying a new one), when suddenly, tragedy struck. A couple of days ago, I was literally looking at the starting menu of Little Nightmares when my computer just suddenly… died. And I can't get it

Ah yes, Ori is Microsoft Studios so it is only on PC (I played it on Steam) and Xbox. Oh well.

That first hallucinatory mission in the tunnel remains one of my most memorable gaming moments.

Just wanted to jump in here to agree that Peridot is the greatest of the gems. My idol. Carry on.