Chum Joely

Can I upvote the message but downvote the emotion? That guy's a dickhead. Kill him with wind magic.

Well… I guess I'm going to have to wait and see where this falls on my favorites list. I think I am still enjoying various things that I see as having lots of "potential", like the interesting angle with SAM where players are clearly being encouraged to worry about having an autonomous AI hard-wired into their skull—

You know what? This game is mad glitchy and cheesy, but I'm still enjoying the hell out of it. Sure, it lacks polish. In fact I don't even think the Bioware Montréal team knows where the polish store is. But the story is about a struggling effort to move to a whole new galaxy, and the whole feel of the game fits with

You don't even want to know how my name is pronounced…

I've seen him doing that at a few news conferences with foreign dignitaries. Although maybe he just understands all of those different languages and doesn't need the translation. That's probably it.

We all loved the movie, even though I felt awkward as hell through the whole thing. Should have followed up with Dara but (a) one rejection was bad enough for me back as a high-schooler, and (b) it would have been extra-weird with her since she presumably would have known that she was the one I asked out second. So

For me, it's all about Mass Effect: Andromeda. Not much new to add since Gerardi's first "Game In Progress" post, except to say that now that I've gotten out of the phase where the game is establishing the Enormous Galactic Stakes, hanging out with the crew one-on-one is starting to make this whole thing feel way more

So late to the party, as usual… I'll post anyway.

Man, I never really understood what uranium was before, but now it's crystal-clear. Thanks, President Obvious! (chipper smile slowly fades; lip quivers; uncontrollable sobbing)

Dana Milbank wrote a whole thing in the Washington Post about those kind of comments:

I believe it's Czech, like her mom.

Yeah, sounds like he was pleasantly surprised by his own behavior.

One more for the road… The team leaves their usual generically sunny settings behind for the streets of the East Village, where they become hipsters battling gentrification… BOHO POWER RANGERS!

Well, if MJ had been convicted, then he wouldn't have connected with Conrad Murray, so therefore he'd still be alive, and therefore still in jail, and Stanley is a total jerk for evoking that whole hypothetical scenario!!!

Heh heh… he said "full circle".

Due to a limited budget, they filmed one really awesome battle scene and play it back at half-speed for dramatic effect… SLO MO POWER RANGERS!

Before long, they find themselves forced to master a new kind of weapon with whirling disks on long cords… YO YO POWER RANGERS

Thanks, so now people who are interested in learning more can go there. I feel like that works better than hijacking this site's comment section, which is not usually focused on hashing out this kind of issue in detail.

I dunno, it depends on the game, but Gameological was its own site before being reabsorbed back into the AV Club mothership. They've always had a strong streak of awesome (although the loss of Teti and the original crew is still certainly felt).

It's when you puke up your unborn baby. (Note: not actually possible to puke up an unborn baby)