Chum Joely

I'd like to pre-order 50 copies of the poster with the tagline "Let's Get Those Missiles Ready To Destroy The Universe!"

But has it been filmed, man?! Focus here!

Bad (or sick!) missionary!

I think this is the same kind of thinking that brought us the concept of "real Americans".

I totally noticed that too. Not real polished.

I found my make and model (Honda CR-V) that does everything I need a vehicle to do, and I buy one every 7-10 years or so and life is good. It's not brand loyalty so much as extreme laziness, because a car is like a piece of furniture, it just has to be there and not cause problems.

Boston Lager is pretty decent. Even in my most intensive "beer aficionado" days (hundreds of posts on Untappd) etc., I would still grab some of that at the store now and then if it was just video game night and I felt like a good-tasting beer without feeling compelled to analyze the layers of hops and yeast and all

What I'm hearing is that nobody has yet exploited the market niche of people with too much extra money who like the idea of driving a mullet on wheels. Chevy is there.

"Eat a dick." ("OK…")

Listen, I get that this issue matters a lot to you. So, maybe point people to a website with well-organized information or something, rather than relitigating it here in dozens of very long, angry comments that don't fit at all with the overall tone of the other comments or the site as a whole? There must be a site

…who, by the way, is probably the healthiest human being to ever become President of the United States, let me tell you.

No way, Smoove's got mad grammar compared to this guy. Smoove B is all weaving a tapestry of poetic eroticism, sprinkled with the scattered rose petals of luxurious desire, and then we got Conrad Murray over here who doesn't even know how to properly wield the mysterious and wily comma.

Because they're all dead!

See, this is the kind of news you can use that you'll only find in the AV Club comments. Kudos!

And we are all together! Goo goo goo joob!

If you're looking for a job to support that, I hear there's fuckin' room to move as a fry cook, man.

Congratulations, @disqus_GpII1ZZxZK:disqus , you seem to have been the one to set off the unbelievably obsessed Michael Jackson maniacs with several armories full of axes to grind. Good work!

I was actually hinting for someone to buy him the game…
