Chum Joely

As you may recall, I also have a seven-year-old (turning eight this weekend! ack!). I bet he'd get a kick out of this— the tumbling antelopes sounds calmly hilarious, which is an ideal combination for him.

Elle Michalka, you say? Hmm, I wonder if I can add this game to my wishlist twice…

I loved Journey, enjoyed the little bit of Proteus that I played, and I'm definitely intrigued by the review. Give my backlog, though, the total gameplay time quoted in the article sounds a bit long…

So have you played any of this crazy thing yet?

Come to think of it, even the geth got to have a friendly character by ME2. There's still hope for these kooky kett.

Well, I had the pleasure of being shot to death without ever drawing my gun in my first enemy encounter in the game, so that was fun. I guess I could have tried to just run away at that point. I doubt that would have done anything though, since presumably killing those first two kett is critical to moving the story

I bet you we see an individual kett NPC with nuanced character traits in Andromeda 2. From what I've heard so far, these guys stay on as the most stereotypical bad guys possible for the length of the game.

Um… no? Yes? After two failed attempts, I thought I was paying sufficient attention, but since the key mappings in general are a bit off, I could have made the same mistake 3 times. Glad to hear we have the same color tastes, in any case. I'll try again.

shut up shut up shut up! i think he's coming back! act normal!

The Star Trek comparison is interesting. I have always thought of Mass Effect as the Star Wars of video games, and I was sort of forming an idea that Andromeda is kind of like Mass Effect's The Force Awakens to the OT's Episodes IV-VI (following me so far? blah). But the Star Trek analogy is a good one… right down to

By the way, tell me if you feel better after you've finished the underground mission on Eos. I am swamped with work today (partly because of wasting too much "work time" in the past two days on this damn game), so I haven't advanced much beyond that, but somewhere between the look of Remnant tech and settings, and

Heh, I was actually imagining some sort of transdermal hormone patch as my preferred misreading of "Krogan sex patch", but yours is way more on-point.

@MerlintheTuna:disqus posted a link to [this Twitter post] elsewhere in this discussion. Sums it up well enough if you scroll down to read the discussion.

Ick, that's dumb. On the upside, I have now learned the term "deadname", which is a useful extension to my vocabulary.

We're in a whole new galaxy, man, it's time to shake things up! We should be quads-deep in bizarre new aliens and freaky intergalactic sex! BioWare, your fans demand a Krogan sex patch!

The "goofy, bewildered" look applies slightly less to his twin sister, but something in her voice and facial expression still screams "clueless", so yeah, I am playing on that too. She does her best to be "professional" and "logical" with Important People, but occasionally bursts out with an inappropriate "emotional"

If Lexi had that half-shaved haircut that Natalie Dormer had for a while, I'd be on board. But in the case of an asari, I think that would require some kind of disfiguring head surgery, which is typically a turn-off. Hmm.

Not really, but the Andromeda Initiative does. It's discussed briefly right before the guns come out.

Maybe it's just that I was bored with the people I was with up to that point, and she at least has a bit of spark…?

Tali, EDI and the krogan are pretty great too. He even did Barla Von. Also, Dr. Chakwas holding what can only be a glass of Serrice Ice. Great stuff.