Chum Joely

The spoiler in Merve's previous post is about Persona 5, as is the original post in this subthread. Draw what conclusions you will about the rest of the comments here.

Holy freakin' moly. I have gleaned that Mass Effect: Andromeda, currently dominating my gaming life, is at least over 50 hours for a completionist run if not closer to 75 or 100, so after that I will probably play a bunch of 5-hour games for a while. I'm almost lucky that I don't like JRPG's for the most part. My

Disagree. The writing is fine so far, and the voice-acting is adequate given that nothing amazing has happened yet. I was just noticing today that my Ryder (female) does sound young and untested, but in a way that seems to fit the character so far (not just directorial incompetence etc.). Still holding out hope for

I never really put my finger on the lighting as the issue there, but you're totally right. The whole OT (except for certain cutscenes, and maybe slightly less overally as the series went along) looked like a sound-stage rehearsal of the real events. I still felt the power of the story, but that look does really matter.

Likewise. The one with FemRyder waddling down the stairs on Hyperion was clearly someone going L-R-L-R as fast as possible to trigger the "turn" animation on every step. It's like the newspapers who choose the least flattering of 200 consecutive snapshots for whichever celebrity is in the doghouse this week. Whatever.

"Harder than Chinese algebra"… wow, that's a keeper.

I'm pretty sure most people sit on the couch and try to Frisbee them into the slot from across the room.

What's neat about this is how he went ahead with writing the overall profile from that super-creepy angle despite the fact that her comments were specifically about hating that kind of media attention. Double asshole points— no, let's make it triple asshole points! Yay Rob Haskell!!

Always leave 'em wanting more…

If that's the cost of having Natalie Dormer provide her voice to an Asari doctor in Andromeda, then it's a price I'm willing to pay.

Wow, thanks! You've warmed an old space commander's heart this day ;)

Ha, well, since my fans demand it… here's the semi-finished, semi-edited version that I had decided not to inflict on the world. You now have no right to complain.

Yeah, or the opposite— instead of taking cover, Shepard throws himself on the floor and rolls straight into a kill zone. Fucking idiot.

You are not wrong to have been a bit messed up by that twist. You're very close to the end now. In my experience, the feeling of horror that comes in at that moment doesn't quite hold out until the end, but just as the shock is wearing off, you get to the very end and there's one more OMFG moment, then suddenly you're

See, I specially stayed up an extra half-hour when I shouldn't have in order to post at 1am Eastern. Then, no article. Gaah. But on the other hand, it wasn't a million comments by the time I woke up this morning, so, no harm no foul I guess.

I was lucky, I only lost Miranda in ME2, so everybody I actually cared about was at the party. And yeah, I loved just about everything about ME3, right up to the actual final choice. Even the final sequence of battling our way up to the "beam" was incredible (and I had a weirdly thrilling feeling of déjà vu when I

I was not aware of Marauder Shields. I'll be checking that out this weekend too! Thanks!

Wow. Mass Effect fans are awesome. And slightly obsessive.

I know, I know, I should probably never use that word again… but first Liara has to stop saying <creaky old lady voice> "By the Goddess!"
— hungover Garrus

I think it's safe to say that most of my gaming time this weekend will be spent on Mass Effect: Andromeda. I've played about 1 hour of the free trial, and even though I'm playing on an Acer Aspire V Nitro laptop that's somewhat behind on some of the minimum specs (e.g. I get a warning each time I start up that my