Chum Joely

Finally, after months of only playing Overwatch (which is still pretty awesome), I have finally returned to the world of narrative gaming long enough to try my hand at another round of What Have You Finished This Week? This week's editon: Mass Effect 3.

Jeez, so do I, but I don't recall the international press falling all over themselves to write about it. What's Patrick Stewart got that I ain't got?

Oh yeah, shoot. I guess what you're saying is that it's been too long since I played Hatoful Boyfriend. Added to the replay list.

Ha, that's hilarious about Hatoful Boyfriend. I explored a ton of different endings with that ridiculous, brilliant mindfuck of a game, and I'm not sure I remember that particular ending. Is that the one where you end up living in a cave?

…and so the world would have to wait…

Yeah, that thing on The Simpsons where someone uncomfortably pulls on their collar and grimaces with a "nyyyyeh!!" sort of groan… pretty sure Jack did that on a regular basis in this show.

Agreed with @avclub-0bb1967f8bcb488fb9354b97613cfc04:disqus . The kisses are hers and hers and his, but where does that leave her, kisswise?

Yes… YES THEY ARE!!! (falls into chair in shocked realization)

Sounds awesome. It occurs to me that I never saw her/their reaction to all things Miranda in Mass Effect 2

Tingle or GTFO

There are some exceptionally forgettable moments in Leviathan in particular— the end payoff is really the only part that sticks. I remember the first bit with Garneau where you spend like 60+ minutes of game time looking for him, then you fight your way through to him, and then the secret is revealed and he dies and

My thing with the PS3 controllers is that the buttons and (esp.) sticks start behaving badly way too quickly. My most recent one died in the middle of my first round of GTA V after a 12-month absence. Some random combination of buttons started sending constant signals for no reason, causing Franklin to suddenly turn

Omega was definitely mostly about huge amounts of dumb combat (and Aria as squadmate is so incredibly cool), but I liked the story between Aria and her ex (-partner, etc.) pretty well. Their interactions actually fleshed out Aria's character a bit, which I somehow wasn't quite expecting.

Y'know, it's really so much more instant-gratification than anything else I play. In Overwatch, every second counts and other actual humans are depending on you. Plus, the action is incredibly fast-paced when things get hot. So yeah, that has been the drug that my gaming brain wants when I have a few minutes to spare

Is that Dr. Steve Brule helping Spicer to suit up in that one photo?

I don't even own a PS4 (my brother does though) and I totally second your sentiment on the controller. The PS3 one is just… off, while the PS4 controller is sublime.

Long time no WAYPTW! Somehow I got into a cycle after New Year's where all I ever wanted to play, when I actually got around to games, was Overwatch. I'll be playing more this weekend, of course, but hopefully moving on to other things… it's finally getting a bit tired (especially after I have now gone 0-8-1 in my

In Mass Effect, a whole lot of them are Canadian.

The full story is, I knew I "really" wanted to go with Tali in ME2, but saved right before locking that in, which was a far ways from the end of the game. After finishing, I went back and followed the Jack romance line (I don't think I had to play through more than one mission at most to get to the sad, creepy

Oh thank the spirits I'm not the only freak who does this. Got burned a bit last time when I discovered how creepy Jack's scene in ME2 is.