Chum Joely

Good point… to a certain extent (for the non-linguists out there, Artur is referring to "African-American Vernacular English").

Well see, now you've got me thinking about an Alan Wake movie and whether it would have any chance of being watchable and/or good. Probably not. I'll stick to the game.

I just needed somebody to aggressively confront about the movie's wokedness in my humorous mise en scène. You know how we roll.

It better be, or so help me…!

(shakes Dowd angrily by the shoulders) IS IT OR IS IT NOT WOKE, MOTHERFUCKER???

I already … done… woke? (Street cred: intact!)

*nightmare-haunting rattling sound as kill wire retracts*

I thought she was an "ape in a dress"? (sigh… what a world…)

Hmm, yeah, I have that "no weight to anything" feeling in Fallout 4 right now as well, which is probably part of why I laid off playing it. But I did play the first hour of Inquisition on my brother's PS4 when it first came out, and it seemed like something I could enjoy for what it is. Thanks for the insight.

Thanks, that's a great link. I saw a couple of those videos in the bar at the right of the channel page, but I think I started in the wrong place ("Flanker vs. DPS" was the first/only "Terms to Know" video that happened to pop up there) and it seemed almost as dense with weird terms and underlying assumptions about my

I've heard a fair number of comments about DA:I being boring or unstructured etc., but then again it's true that I spend a lot of time on this particular site (might be the same people repeatedly). But yeah, this is literally the first time I have ever heard anything less than worshipful, anywhere, about The Witcher 3.

Just great, guys— I just acquired Dragon Age: Inquisition for "free" by subscribing to Origin Access, as well as The Witcher 3 during the Steam sale (although it was still expensive enough, over $20 as I recall), and now I'm reading on here that both of them are actually annoying to play. At least The Witcher 3 sounds

Haha, I got really into Best Fiends for a while, of all things. My own gaming has been basically dead since just before Christmas, when I started up a whole bunch of new games thinking "oh boy, vacation!" and then I didn't really have a vacation and I forgot how to play video games, apparently. I'm sure in a couple of

I've had a tough time getting back to my normal work & family schedule after a holiday "break" that was also wall-to-wall work, so gaming has kind of gone by the wayside (which is sad because I have accumulated quite a long list of new and old games I "should" be playing right now).

My personal favorite German name in that regard has always been "Eisenhauer" (sometimes Anglicized to "Eisenhower"), which means "beater/hewer of iron". What a job title.

My personal favorite German name in that regard has always been "Eisenhauer" (sometimes Anglicized to "Eisenhower"), which means "beater/hewer of iron". What a job title.

And Sadly the Cross-Eyed Bear's
Been put to sleep behind the stairs
And his shoes are laced with… irony.

Hey man, why don't you make like a tree and get outta here?

Uh… so after all that everyone-on-everyone action, I'm assuming we'll all be sort of a bruised, raw pinkish-purple color with gooey splotches here and there. Yay?

Do you really think people just shouldn't talk about him? Is that going to make him go away? Is that going to resolve the fact that the fault lines that have been threatening to break the United States into pieces since the 1860s have now cracked just about as far as they can crack before the country literally falls