Chum Joely

Well, look, of course I agree that the A.V. Club's coverage of certain things outside of pop culture can… leave something to be desired. There's sometimes a clickbaity component to it and I understand that people find that annoying and tiresome. Yes, I've seen Trump-related headlines here that fit that description.

Eh, that's probably just the meth talking.

He's going to be President in a couple of days, and everybody in pop culture is talking about him. Of course he's going to come up. Why are so many people on here acting as if that were a big surprise or somehow inappropriate?

I don't know where the term comes from (I guess @lindsayfunke might, since I got it from her), but yeah, it definitely encapsulates an idea that I've experienced with tons of other games. In fact I'd say that making up my own official backstory is a pretty major part of the enjoyment I get out of RPGs.

DAmn it, Im' found out by you!

It was a major shock at first. My main impression was (and will probably remain) "robot programmed to Generic Frat", but over time, I've settled in to it. Once in a while his delivery makes me smile on more humorous lines.

Your carefully considered opinion is only rendered more impressive by your impressionistic sense of spelling, grammar, and general operation of a keyboard.


I'm still wrapping up my ManShep run (first and last, thank you very much), but I remember that pain from the transition from ME1 to ME2. Pretty sure you've already seen the pictures, but I had found the absolute perfect look for my authoritative-looking 40-ish African FemShep in the first game, and then the best I


No way man, she's married. And besides his beer-pouring skills, that guy is probably a total sweetheart and also super-attentive to her… womanly needs. (As anyone who's into Cate Blanchett would be.)

As with any such "objective facts", there is a kernel of truth here and a lot of oversimplification. My take on this would be that there are certain looks (quantifiable stuff like facial symmetry, hair and eye color relative to local averages, etc.) that are more likely to be perceived as (highly) attractive than

Well, I do. That Omega DLC is working out pretty awesome, thanks.

I haven't played the Mario game yet (although my kids seem to like it OK), but the two Rayman games are astounding. Rayman Origins and Rayman Legends are, in my mind, the best platformers of their console generation, and the Run games go an astoundingly good job of bringing the same feeling to a smartphone or tablet

Thanks for that, it is indeed a very nice (and soothing) take on 2016 and 2017. I'm not on FB too often myself, so maybe he will post just often enough that I'll have something new to read every time I go on there.

Acting! Theatre! I totally believed he had just come back from an awesome adventure through time!

OK, thanks. Weird naming, but of course I kind of figured that the different consoles couldn't talk to each other.

I don't think that word means what you think it means.

I respect that in theory too, but I've come to think that the Mass Effect engine just can't really handle anything like that in a reasonable way. There is only one way to interact with objects— select the "THIS IS AN INTERACTIVE OBJECT" circle and read the text that comes up (or listen to the dialogue). That was a

I agree that Leviathan made sense for plot purposes (not sure of later impact on gameplay…?), but the DLC itself, so far, has 1-1/2 decent action setpieces and one cool "possessed by demon" speech balanced against a whole lot of "collecting evidence" around some very boring labs.