Chum Joely

This is not really relevant to your post, but I am replying here to tell you that I just started the Omega DLC on Mass Effect 3 and WHY DID NOBODY TELL ME THAT I GET TO HAVE ARIA AS A SQUAD-MATE. If I had known this earlier, I would have bought this DLC twice and given EA a tip. Damn.

I haven't taken the time to watch the Great Big Story video yet, but yeah, I totally thought of this as a Missy Elliott thing— is she part of the history of its popularization?

heh huh huh, heh hah-hah, like Woody-dee Woodpecker

I'll factor that in to the technical spec ;)

Sounds like a fun 1-hour programming assignment. I've gotten way too rusty on coding stuff recently… maybe I'll whip up a generator this weekend and crank out a few thousand game titles, then figure out a way to sell the rights when some developer decides to name their game Crystal Space Odyssey or Power Down Grommet

Although, come to think of it, they could have gone ahead and made the heroine look like Rose Leslie. Definitely no harm in that.

I think @SpaceCop nailed it in the other thread— a big issue here is how they just superimposed the same generic "one unexpected hero saves world from one big bad guy building an army of evil" story on top of what could have been an interesting premise (robots evolving in nature over thousands (?) of years, primitive

Thereby making it even cooler! Right, guys???

I believe you mean
Nonsense: Title Words

Fair enough. For me, I am looking for some kind of motivation in this game, and neither the main story, nor the usual wandering about and killing roving bands of Super Mutants and/or Raiders, is really doing it for me. So I was hoping this mystery would turn out to have a bit more meat to it (at least in terms of loot

Did you have the same sense afterwards of "wait, that's it?!" Maybe I didn't explore enough, but I felt like the terminals set me up to expect a whole bunch of stuff that never materialized, like the Irradiator or the Invisiwave (they both sounded cool to me even in the hacked half-finished state described in the

I actually liked Remember Me quite a bit, although admittedly the rhythm-based fighting had some significant flaws (mostly the fact that the pace of the combos was quite slow— felt out of time with the action on-screen). What most interests me about Dontnod is that they developed both that and Life Is Strange, which

I think I will try out competitive once I finally get up to level 25 (right now I am at 20, but I seem to gain at least one level every time I play, so it shouldn't be long). I might not stick around long since I don't think of myself as being a particularly great (= "competitive") player, but who knows. Are you on PC?

…in the same game? (Achievement Unlocked!)

I just finished HalluciGen yesterday. It's supposed to have been an unintended release of vast quantities of an experimental combat enhancement drug at a test facility— a lot of that info is in the terminals. (Also the fact that the whole place is run by incompetents and their products always fail.) I happened to have

Oh yeah, and for D.Va, my only advice (note: I still don't feel like much of an expert) is to use the defense matrix and boosters as much as possible. The defense matrix is especially nice when you get a Soldier 76 or McCree etc. on the other team who has powered up their ultimate, and you can put up your shield and

The game is well-designed enough that none of the characters are lame. I actually would like to get good at some of the defense characters myself— I have never even tried Torbjörn but I am always happy when he shows up on my team to set up turrets and hand out that sweet, sweet armor.

Great list— I have to admit that with the backlog I've got, I haven't been looking ahead too much to 2017 (except, of course, for Mass Effect: Andromeda which I am already pining away for). So most of my "anticipated games" are from lists like this one (and a similar one at Polygon from last month), stuff that I want

The last half-hour or so of INSIDE really is impressively insane. As I've said on here before, I kind of wish it had been more like 20 minutes— the "twist" starts to get a little bit more silly than horrific for a while in the middle of that sequence (like around the furnace/sprinkler puzzle), and I felt like the game

Keep us up to date, I loved Season 1, liked Season 2 well enough (and I felt the same way as you about how it took a while to warm up), but I have become very skeptical of future Walking Dead installments for some reason. I guess I don't want to tarnish my image of Clementine with a bad WD game.