Chum Joely

Aargh, The Witness is yet another one of my leftover games that I started in November-December and had to leave aside because of a big work project. I had a bunch of loose ends going (so thank you for redacting your spoilers ;) and I am a little concerned I won't be able to get back into the proper headspace for the

I just couldn't get into Day of the Tentacle. I never played it in my adventure-gaming youth (although I was a right addict for the Monkey Island series and of course the legendary Grim Fandango), so the nostalgia factor is nil, and beyond that… I just found it kind of silly and arbitrary, as adventure games

Yay for Overwatch! My main characters have been D.Va (by a mile), then Mercy, Pharah, a bit of Junkrat. I am currently taking a break because (a) I was having a stretch where I just wasn't doing all that well, and in multiplayer, I really don't enjoy feeling incompetent (although it's rare to run into a jerk who will

The screenshots you've been posting of Danganronpa on Steam have looked pretty insane, yet silly. I guess it's just dialogue or a visual-novel type thing, right? No "action" in the usual videogame sense?

Yeah, that word has been around forever and A.V. Clubbers want to attribute it to the Simpsons. Sad!

No can do, but I do have a huge collection of time-stamped photos from 1998 of my beautiful, dandruff-free scalp!

and vice versa!

I lived in Prague for about 6 months while broke (burning through meager savings while earning a slick $4/hr teaching English to community college burnouts) and I checked out all the cheap supermarket beers there. There was one called Měšťan which, aside from its distinction of most accents per letter of any major

Can I assume that the ensuing burp lasted longer than the time it took to drink the 40?

<<<— please refer to avatar

About three times less actually.

Truly, you are the #antiwhovian

If it means discovering that I screwed up in some other publicly idiotic way, no you may not.

I guess you would, given the name.

Now posting in the correct thread:
"Three times less" is not a concept that makes sense. As if he was paid a certain amount of little, and she got three times as little. Or, to go with the height analogy in the article, can one person be "three times as short" as another?

No but thank you for a very good gimmick account idea.

(turns to audience) Easiest $10 you'll ever make, folks! Let me explain how.

Oh shit, you're right. Damn shower beer!

I think Juggalos still count as humans, so the choice of "which" (as opposed to "who") tips you off as to which was meant.

"Three times less" is not a concept that makes sense. As if he was paid a certain amount of little, and she got three times as little. Or, to go with the height analogy in the article, can one person be "three times as short" as another?