Chum Joely

This makes me think that there should be a "Witness of Doom" mod that speeds up the walking, hides a BFG somewhere that allows you to solve puzzles in one instant, concentrated blast, and adds Cacodemons floating around the map just for laughs.

I'm playing Majora's Mask on 3DS right now— I will check that out!

They are kind of similar in that they are both built around repeated, ever-more-complex iterations and combinations of the same puzzle types. I loved The Talos Principle and felt a greater sense of urgency/excitement than with The Witness, although I feel like the puzzle design is ultimately more imaginative in The

I never finished Antichamber (got maybe 2/3 through, got stuck for a while, forgot to go back), but I liked it well enough. The Witness (which I also haven't finished but intend to soon!) is definitely comparable but a much more enjoyable setting and feels significantly deeper and even more "think out side the

My big thing with Cerberus was that there was not really any choice to go against them, except for a few random Big Decisions like whether to keep or blow up the base. Once you realize that you're completely locked in to helping them, those Big Decisions don't seem all that big and generally come out on the wrong side

Interesting, I enjoyed playing as Vanguard in ME2 (and the first one, for that matter), even on Veteran difficulty, but since Veteran is apparently not available on ME3, I have been playing on Hardcore and struggling quite a bit. (Not that I mind in some ways— Veteran felt just a tad too easy.)

Happy New Year, everyone! These past two weeks were supposed to be a time for me to relax with my family and play ridiculous amounts of video games… but a delayed start to a major work project meant that even while staying with family in the States, I spent a ton of time working, only a little time on games, and

Rock over London! Rock on Chicago! Pepsi: the choice of a new generation!

Right, my brother pointed out that the disc had both dubs. I'll try each of them out on my next two viewings.

Kids watched Home Alone with the family on Christmas Eve while I played Fallout 4. (As usual with that game, I was vaguely bored for the first half hour, then something awesome occurred, in this case discovering "HalluciGen", which is always a good combo with strolling through a post-nuclear wasteland over Christmas.)

Uh… I have friends there. Sigh.

Oh man, Year Walk is so strange and creepy and great— haven't thought about that one in a while. (I think I played it right after New Year's, appropriately enough, about 2 years ago.) I second your recommendation. But is it available for non-iOS platforms?

Tali is definitely the best. So nerdy.

You know, there was one moment in ME2 that was a major tipping point for me in terms of her voice. She's helping to evacuate the Normandy under fire, yelling "GO, GO, GO!" to rush people out, and it just sounds like angry Grandma calling the grandkids to get off their iPhones and come down for breakfast.

Well, shoot, I will have to get back into this. I think I left off one episode after the big psychic orgy episode, which, while pretty hot, was also so completely bizarre and corny that I couldn't take the show seriously for a minute there. But my wife has watched the whole thing and liked it, so why not.

It's funny, I liked Liara well enough at first— she has like exactly enough tender/nerdy moments to keep her from feeling like the gigantic pile of damp grey wool that is Kaidan's personality, for example. But the more I have played through the series, the more uptight and boring she seems compared to other characters

I was pretty unhappy on my first playthrough that Jack was not available for FemShep. Plus, her romantic arc for ManShep is not that well-written, and is actually a bit creepy for my tastes (in the love scene, she's crying, with black mascara running everywhere). This might be a horrible thing to say, but I found it

I was pretty unhappy on my first playthrough that Jack was not available for FemShep. Plus, her romantic arc for ManShep is not that well-written, and is actually a bit creepy for my tastes (in the love scene, she's crying, with black mascara running everywhere). This might be a horrible thing to say, but I found it

Absolutely! It's so frustrating that the romance options in ME1 are Liara, or the hetero-appropriate choice between Kaidan and Ashley. Why couldn't I have started with Tali right away? For that matter, I would have been perfectly happy with Dr. Chakwas! But those two dorks??! Please.

I saw a YouTube video with Javik and Shepard at a shoot for some shitty Blasto movie— not sure if that is Javik-specific and that's why I never saw it last time I played the Citadel DLC, or what. But yeah, that alone looked pretty hilarious.