Chum Joely

Which three? I am totally clueless about this and might as well have some sort of starting point. I've heard a lot of people saying that Soldier 76 (?) is fun to play.

Which three? I am totally clueless about this and might as well have some sort of starting point. I've heard a lot of people saying that Soldier 76 (?) is fun to play.

Definitely, I had hear the controversy and just installed that one straight away— never saw the original ending.

I kind of enjoyed that segment, although admittedly I was on a shitload of poisoned cocaine at the time.

Mass Effect 3 multiplayer still seems to be going strong. Might be just because we're into holiday vacation time, but I bet it also helps (a lot) that BioWare/EA set things up so that playing as much multiplayer as possible also boosts your "military readiness" or whatever in the main campaign.

That's OK, not too spoily. Actually the only ME3 DLC I have played was Citadel. I just looked into the other ones a bit before buying, and literally everyone said that this or that one was great, this other one is OK, but don't bother with Omega. So, hearing that you liked it is intriguing. (also the lady Turian)

I did not know about the lady Turian. This changes everything.

If you want your tuba to toot in tune, then dude, you'd better tune your tuba.

I played Oxenfree back in March, so I would probably avoid the shallowness problem you mention— my first playthrough isn't all that fresh in my mind. Don't know if I would want to play it twice in a month though.

No worries, Hatoful has a couple of non-pigeons too, heh. I saw Aviary Attorney on a friend's wishlist and was amused, like is this Phoenix Wright's non-unionized Mexican Parisian equivalent?

Ouch, tough luck. Get well soon. I'm sure that the soothing touch of Alpha Protocol will help. Say hi to Konstantin Brayko for me.

I think I will be spending most of the weekend playing Try to Resist the Steam Winter Sale. It's weird, but I seem to actually get worse at this one every year. Just waiting to see what games I may receive as gifts in my Steam group's Secret Santa thing, then it's off to the races, filling my backlog with even more

Hooray for Mass Effect! I am on ME3 right now, trying to wrap up my second playthrough of the series before the end of 2016. I have already booked a third playthrough (this time on "Insanity" difficulty) for 2017. And next time, it's back to FemShep and no looking back!

Don't worry too much about the Mass Effect ending. It's kind of lame but you can just do what I did and make up your own ending in your mind.

Thanks. I bet he'd like Mario Kart.

We'll see. You're not the only one I've heard mentioning that issue.

ME3 doesn't strictly require that you play multiplayer, but every time you play, it gives you a significant boost to your "galactic readiness rating" in the story mode, which I guess is relevant to unlocking the "best" ending. On the up side, it means that there are still plenty of people playing— I had no trouble

Uh-oh, I was worried about being able to understand the "pantomime" tutorials in Hyper Light Drifter as well— I will be starting sometime soon, whenever I get my new controllers in the mail to replace the busted ones. The few tutorials I saw right at the beginning were already hard to follow, should be fun once they

While we're at it (lookin' at you too, @TheSingingBrakeman:disqus), how about 3DS games in general? Looks like my 7-year-old is about to get a 3DS for Christmas from his grandparents, along with (most likely) Pokémon Sun or Moon, and I might as well look at what other good games are out there for either him or myself.

Nobody yet but I am damn well buying it for the Christmas break (on sale right now for $40 instead of $60). I just got back into Mass Effect 3 multiplayer and forgot how much I liked it, even as a non-fan of multiplayer in general. From everything I've heard, Overwatch is going to be even much more fun for a more