Chum Joely

Wait, what? Is Birdland related to Hatoful Boyfriend or is it an independent entry in the ever-growing canon of pigeon-related interactive fiction?

There's another section of this coming, isn't there? The Witness might still be included!

Great picks. I haven't played Stephen's Sausage Roll, but as ridiculous as the concept sounds, I have heard a ton of rave reviews from knowledgeable people, so… wishlisted!

You could also not say that. I vote "B".

Man, Vogon poetry really is the worst.

I didn't see that but with that quote I am thinking about finding out when and where I can watch Jeopardy! .

Funny, the only one you mention there that bothered me was the wheelbarrow thing. Goes to show that these choke points in adventure games are all about state of mind— for some reason I wasn't ready to see the solution to the message tube thing, but distracting rooftop pigeons and wrong uses of gold liqueur were

Oh and yeah, with alcohol out of the way, now I have to watch my caffeine intake. (Never cared for the taste/buzz of Red Bull, but I can see the appeal for some.) It's always some damn thing.

My pleasure. I have multiple sad times too. They pass.

Heh, you're more old-school than me. I have always been a huge computer nerd, but I somehow contrived to ditch video games for a huge stretch of the 90s and early 00s (and the games I played before that were over 50% adventure games— no real-timey action).

Oh yeah, shit! There's a thing you have to add to the bread. I will come up with it.

See, you're already one up on me with being able to shoot a bow. As for me, I can't shoot for shit, period. What's this genre called again?

Agreed, I was just reacting to your comment about why the right mocks the left.

Uh… (think think, think think)— I believe you have to put a hunk of bread in a sort of metal dish that's already there on the roof, like the top of a vent or something. Then they are obsessed with the food and you can go about whatever the puzzle is up there.

Upvoted sadly because it will never show up on Netflix Canada!


It's currently number one on my Steam wishlist.

not cool

So, you pretty much don't go in the eastern third of the state, if I understand correctly?

I feel like this was a particularly stupid, over-the-top attempt to explain the alleged "joke". Like, I'm sure we've all said things in a joking mode which sort-of-but-not-quite reflect our actual thinking, and there's sometimes a certain attitude behind it that only makes sense in our own heads… and so Lena Dunham,