Chum Joely

Right on, Grim Fandango is the best adventure game ever, period. But I have to respectfully disagree about the walkthrough— the "a-ha!" moment is so critical to enjoying this type of game, and Grim Fandango is so much less obtuse about it than others.

I have to say that I was always pleased in a weird way to see posts like "ran into two gangsta-lookin' black guys at the park at 2am last night and they pointed me to an Evee in front of the post office!" Maybe the person who wrote that still has certain dumb assumptions about black people, but now "plays dorky-ass

(unfurls eight-foot list on parchment)

So, first of all, get outside and breathe some air (even if it's cold where you are). Enjoy some real world, the framerate is pretty impressive these days and there are some pretty cool random encounters here and there, even if a lot of the side quests are basically busywork to keep the metagame chugging along.

Oh goody! So I'm not the only one!

You don't just have to be the token LOL-er, mocker of others' joy!!!

I feel like in a lot of cases, this feature is about "our favorite gaming moments of 2016", or "favorite aspects of a game" etc. rather than whole games. Which is great— that's how my mind works too. I mean, to take one example, I loved XCOM 2 and have put many hours into it (with lots more to come!), but I don't

It's really a celebration of the "eureka" moment. 10/10 would play on the corner of a menu again

The A.V. Club
A great deal of midget sex

Look at these crazy fools, having different favorites than my own! They leave me no choice but to string together a devastating sequence of L's and O's!

Hell, I'd say Hitman is one of my own most memorable games of the year because of your videos (and a couple of similar ones from Giant Bomb), and I haven't even played it yet!

"Game…. crickets"?

A simple homonym might help:
"It's your half of the flesh and blood that makes me whole."

Doobie Brothers were better. Exhibit A: "It Keeps You Running".

You laugh, but there's already a whole documentary about a surprisingly similar situation in the 1980s:

My point exactly!

Darn, the bus is cold this time of year, they could have warmed it up.

Sure, once or twice, I can understand, I mean there are only so many hours in a day, but on a regular basis?!

What I am loving about that page is the boilerplate text with individual names obviously plugged in to replace some placeholder tags.

Someone left the C-4 out in the rain…