Chum Joely

Almost. Just behind "falling in love".

You put notes next to those lyrics.
As if it were "music".

Yeah, FC2 gets all kinds of mixed "worst game ever/best game ever" reactions, apparently. I know nothing about it other than reviews and online reaction, but apparently it is way too unstructured (for camp A) and/or a great example of really loosely structured sandbox play where your choices actually matter in major

Oh, you and your addiction to plot-heavy games about angsty blue-haired teens in the Pacific Northwest!

(2nd reply, didn't see this bit at first on mobile platform) — word up on the Noveria fight thing. That was one of a couple of fights in ME1 that taught me how to play the game properly (cover ahoy!) because otherwise I never would have made it any further. See also: the first mission where you meet Geth

My next Amy Adams film is Arrival (if I can still catch it) and it has already been agreed that I will be going to that one alone.

They're gonna damn well be there too, or else what the hell am I doing there?!

Confirmed, I was totally cruising for hours before that, and then bang, difficulty spike. For me, the solution was just to memorize the floor plan and then return to my usual "sprint to cover, choose appropriate long-distance armor-breaking biotics/weapon attack" approach without having to worry whether my character

Report back if you make it out alive. I think I am going to be subjected to this one too.

OK, so: Far Cry 2, yea or nay?

So, I'm reading this bad review, and my 10-year-old comes and looks over my shoulder and says, "Ooh, I wanna see this movie!" Looks like the first black mark on what could have been a perfect two-week holiday vacation. (Her grandmother would normally take her to such things when we visit the States, but she is having

What kind of weapon are you using? I think the "heavies" usually require a shotgun, and then it sometimes takes them a few (precious!) seconds to bleed out. (Again: Haven't played in a while…)

And Pratt over to Pratt. He passes to Pratt— oh, but Pratt is there, passing it forward to Pratt, who scores!!! Pratt just couldn't get to it on time!

Rumor has it that it's not too hard to find anime series on various unofficial sites. Why, here's one now!

(psst— Africa's over there, dude!)

And he tells three friends, and I tell three friends, and so on, and so on, and so on.

No, but noting it for later. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to exist on Canadian Netflix.

That actually makes me feel better. The dialogue sounded natural enough (like when they're giving each other shit about this or that girl that Lamar likes), so I assumed that it was written by people who actually know the people/environments they're writing for. But, given my impression of Rockstar (and especially

Cool, thanks— didn't realize how complicated the combat would get later on. New controllers are on their way from Newegg, I can wait!

Her name is Robert Paulson.