Chum Joely

I put this on my wishlist after reading this article (and seeing many Steam friends play it over the past few months), and my brother bought it for me as a late birthday gift within an hour or so. Playing a bit of it now, among all my other current games… and I have one question. What do people think of mouse &

I am not so into the hard rock of the intro theme, but the incidental "Firefly of anime" music is pretty great.

Yeah, I agree. In fact I never would have played a full Far Cry game— it's just not my style— but Blood Dragon was so bizarre and ridiculous (and damn good-looking in its retro way) that I fell for it in a second.

While I was writing the above post, I went to look up the name "Legato Bluesummers" to make sure I was remembering it correctly. I landed at a Trigun wiki site about the manga that explained his origins as a sex slave. A whole bunch of other gruesome/awful details about various other characters followed in the same

After a whole lot of on-and-off viewing, I am trying to polish off Trigun this week so that I can return the box set to my brother over Christmas break.

Futurama is on Netflix here in Canada, but only seasons 3-6 or something. They had the first few seasons for a while, but they mysteriously disappeared at some point (in fact it seems that the list of available seasons has changed around multiple times). On that note (and not necessarily many others), I'm looking

Goodness, you keep busy with the TV viewing! I am more of a gamer, so I'm lucky to watch 2 hours of TV a week.

Uh…. "Not Brad Pitt" in Fight Club?

Yes, that is the whole point of the Jay-Z comparison. As if Trump's comments were bad simply because they contained rude words.

Or, the Yahoo message was a phishing attempt intended to get you to enter details and "save" your account. Like how I occasionally get things about how my FedEx shipment needs re-approval or something (and I have no orders on the way).

Right, and with the scar thing, I specifically tried to come up with a scar that fit the situation (e.g. blasted with an energy weapon by an enemy at the right = big burn scar across the face from right to left). Not as much variety as I expected (Fallout 4 seems to have dozens of scar options), but enough to put that

Love that game, and totally agree about the personality archetypes. I think it was "Twitchy" that made me laugh the most— instead of "Moving!" or whatever when you give a command, they say stuff like "Um, OK I guess" or at best, "If you say so."

(crashing sound)
(hubcap rolls by)
(muffled explosion)

A friend has put in 250+ hours on Survival and apparently he hasn't gotten as far in the main quest as the Memory's Den sequence (which is, like, only the third major step in the story). I may try it someday, but I expect I will just get killed five times by the first group of Raiders that comes along and quit in

Dude, there's already a huge pile of them right there.

Great to hear your mom is doing better. What a huge adjustment that must be.

Nah, just the flooded basement where you are supposed to look for reflections to solve those blue-hexagon puzzles. Can't find any more, so there must be an out-of-the-box moment that I haven't hit upon yet.

First time playing Mass Effect? Yep, Ilos is the kind of "pre-final-boss" segment— pretty easy in and of itself, but with a great story moment that fills in a lot of what's going on in a cool way.

I haven't played HM2 in a while, so my memory is a bit hazy, but I have a guess as to where you might be stuck on the police precinct level (the one where the suspect walks out of the interrogation room during the thunderstorm and starts shooting, right?). There are some tough "choke points" in there where you have to