Chum Joely

Blood Dragon is completely idiotic and shallow. I adored it.

I had the same initial reaction, but hang in there. The formula doesn't change that much over the course of the game, but they keep it fresh. There are some tough challenges and some pretty cool set pieces (like the one on the old heavy metal guys' farm) … and yes, Alan Wake is a terrible, terrible writer. But the

Ha, I will have to try that. The Singularity cooldown is already pretty damn short for her, she always has 2 of them going at once.


Well, you can tell I have a huge work project because I am trying to find every possible excuse to procrastinate. A brief rundown of the games I have played small amounts of this week, and will probably play more of this weekend (in decreasing order of likelihood):

Um… Shower With Your Dad Simulator? NO WAIT

Perhaps one of you should first impugn the other's honour.

This bell needs a tune-up…

(monocle shatters)

I heard this in the Mario accent and tried to figure out what English verb he would mispronounce as "viking". Nice.


I just thought she was being sarcastic.

That's so great! I love Hispanics!

Also? These guys? Smoke.

Hah, your reply wasn't showing when I first read Zach and Coke's comment, and I was going to reply with a reference to "Collapse" as well. Great book, time to re-read it.

A bunch of German exchange students were at my high school when "Teen Spirit" hit the radio, and I was one of the "exchangees" (went to Germany the next summer) so I spent a ton of time with them. I specifically remember riding around in a van with like 8 people who were all hearing this song for the first time,

Well, I mean his name is "WoodSword", you had to catch the symbolism there.

Yes, I loved the game— I was pleased to see that they were able to keep building on the core concept after two previous iterations. The "multiple endings" thing at the end was cool but I didn't actually get much replay mileage out of it— I just played a second ending right away, but wasn't especially tempted to go way

Aargh! Everywhere I look, everyone is saying that the "water-draining puzzle" as you call it is impossible. It's so early in the game (at least as I experienced it), how could it be that bad?! Oh well, at least now I will feel like that much more of a badass if I ever do figure it out.

Great comment, but a small part of my upvote is also reserved for your holiday username ;)