Chum Joely

Playing it right now and this hits the nail right on the head. Although, to be fair, the balance of those two factors is easily 90/10 thus far. Still, the points where I've gotten stuck are so painful because they usually come right when things were going so well for 10 puzzles in a row and I am so sure I'm going to

Me neither, but hey, a guy's gotta have sex once in a while…

I think one of the two or three vinyl records I actually kept (when I realized that it had been 15 years since I had even lived in a house with a record player, having never actually owned one) was Vince Guiraldi's "Charlie Brown Christmas". The ultimate classic.

This comment seems so out of place here at Gameological (and @avclub-78d130f98557241bb88bb793dd59afe9:disqus 's as well). Hang out for a while, the comment sections are way less annoying than at a lot of other gaming sites (and can sometimes be positively edifying).

Yeah, I would say it gives away key information (note, I haven't played Obduction yet). Avoid.

It's really about ethics in game journalism. (ducks)

Well, they could never get the collision detection to work properly, and the music was awful.

That's right, thanks for mentioning that. I think it also gets their attention in the sense that the people calling are actually devoting the time to it too— you can tell that the issue matters enough to them to tie up X minutes of their own lives to make the call, rather than just banging out another email or (even)

In general I agree, but it has been an extremely slow drip with this one. And yeah, this is only the second to last chapter— Act V is supposed to come out at some point too.

Well, shoot. I'm going to have to go ahead and play this one. It's been sitting there in my Steam library for a while, but I'll have to go back and replay the first 3 acts (and interludes) first…

It's OK. What might be right for you, might not be right for some.

If she's still got that pseudo-punk half-shaved haircut, I'm willing to do it.

She lives in Canada, you wouldn't have met her.

Non-Natalie-Dormer-daters hate me!
EDIT: I guess what I'm saying is, pretty much everyone hates me. Well… everyone. Except like max one guy. Who's a jerk.

It's so crazy, it just might fail spectacularly!

Feeling very lucky that I happen to have some intoxicants within arm's reach at the moment. The next four years are going to be one hell of a ride.

Got a job in the software industry through an online posting. It probably helped that my wife already had fast-tracked access to Canadian citizenship because her mom is from Ontario, but at my income level/skill category (languages + software), it was pretty easy to acquire and pay for permanent residency.

Drones and surveillance, agreed. Although, on some level, drones seem like a better option in principle than generalized all-out war. Unfortunately, the alleged focus of drones doesn't always work out— civilians still get killed.

I don't have time to read the whole thing right now, but wow. Coates is pretty amazing.

Well, the main organizer was living in that other country at the time, so why not just get a whole different range of ethnicities pissed off at us in addition to the Arabs? It's like a 4-for-1 type deal.