Chum Joely

You're right. But anti-intellectual bias is more overt and makes no more sense.

Heh, that's cool, but don't commit to it. Pursue other options as well ;)

It's actually pretty fun once you get into it. Get a few templates going and you can crank out 10 or more letters in a day. Tell three friends, and they tell three friends, etc. (I did the drug policy stuff through a group called the Media Awareness Project,

Can we get Van Jones and Ana Navarro involved somehow? That would probably fill up an extra 20 minutes or so per day, right?

Do you really think he won't even get to be president? Seems like a liberal pipe dream to me (and believe me, I am a liberal fan of the pipe). None of these big shocking possibilities like unfaithful electors ever actually materializes, at least not when it's a good thing (viz.: Trump's election).

I still think Anderson Cooper is pretty great. Wolf Blitzer is awful, and the 24-hour news cycle is a real problem in that it encourages networks to blow everything out of proportion in order to get more viewers, so that even a serious story just gets lost among the noise. But there are actual, intelligent humans at

Funny you should mention Trump in that context because of course he is not in any way mentally ill.

Yeah, I just finally got it together and looked it up. See my edited post for the link.

Did you notice how Trump's team is now constantly reminding everyone that pro-Trump hacking by Russia (which didn't happen) wouldn't even matter if it did happen (which it didn't) because Trump won "by one of the biggest electoral college margins in history"? Has anyone done the math on that? I feel like this probably

(plants flag, looks around in satisfaction)

Is the "pride" expressed somewhere in this comment thread? Because all I'm seeing is, "You would have to be mentally ill to support Trump and Kanye West is still mentally ill."

One time a friend and I were coming up with increasingly ridiculous boob synonyms (!) and the absolute winner was "cabezas" (Spanish for "heads", but pronounced with an outrageous American accent: kuh-BAY-zuhs). So that's what "hooters" are called in my world now. And that's what Trump wants emphasized in his boudoir

"Slam, friend, and enter! (not necessarily in that order, but you know, my point being…)"

I was going to say the same thing. Subtly jab or needle or, I dunno, "shade" or whatever the kids are saying, but subtly slam is like gently clobbering.

Well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

Agreed again. You know, the thing about Trump is that he is impossible to get a handle on because he literally says every possible thing about every single issue, and people can pick and choose what they like to decide whether he is The Next Hitler (wrong) or Not All That Bad (definitely wrong). So I am struggling to

Yeah, I have to agree with you there. His comments about "the inner city" during the campaign reflect that same kind of blithe clueless racism ("oh those poor blacks!"). The article we're discussing here was about whether he is "openly white supremacist", which I'd say he isn't, but he's so out of touch that he just

Thanks for that article, quite interesting. My main problem with Trump comes down to the fact that he is a privileged, egotistical asshole with no principles and no attention span.

Hoo boy, can they ever! High five? High five? High five, yeah.

"Imma let you finish… but when you do, could you be sure to turn on the fan in there? Maybe spray some freshener?"