Chum Joely

See, that's what I didn't see in my quick glance at the (not-so-glowing) user reviews on Steam: an explanation of the world/narrative of the game. The RPS thing has me more interested in checking it out (and I see that there is a link in there to some other "stories" of the guy's time in hackmud).

Obscure, yet effective! Congrats!

Huh-huh. You said "butt".

Doesn't anyone around here know how to chuckle convincingly? It's just a "huh-huh, huh-ha-huh". Done. And you'd never even realize that I'm actually an angry, bitter husk of a human being!

I actually live in Montreal. My family and I have been planning for a while to move back to the States in 2017. The plan still stands, but we're slightly less enthusiastic now…

Where is that part? I'm thinking… Canada? Maybe Finland?

Now my faucets are running at half speed and my cat has been replaced by a banjo. Just leave well enough alone, man!

So… wait, what if anything did you, or will you, actually do?!

Hey, is that the same guy who hacked the DNC emails? This dude's politics are all over the place! Just the kind of iconoclastic independent we need in the White House!

Who needs an app? That's my lunchtime routine! Burnt flags, err' day, all week!

You're probably right. But still, it has to be done. Plenty of conservatives (add any necessary layers of scare quotes) have agreed that flag burning must be protected speech, including Scalia, McConnell, etc. This absolutely falls in the category of "First they came for the flag-burners…"

Thanks, I'll check out what RPS had to say as well. This article made it sound relatively code-heavy, but maybe that's because the author… isn't.

Hackmud sounds pretty interesting— has anyone here played it? How coding-heavy is it really? I have a computer science degree (from 1998, but still) and have written my fair share of small- to medium-sized projects (a big Excel automation thing in C# for analyzing text translations, some Unity games in C# and/or

Thanks, good to know. Not especially surprising, I suppose.

Confirmed. Go back to sleep, Preston. You sound tired.

Cool. I should also mention that I care what NPCs around me think, even if it doesn't have any actual effect on the gameplay, so… kind of a dork like that, I guess. But I also care about what exactly does affect gameplay, so this helps, thanks.

First one on that playlist is not so hot, but the general idea is great. I would still say that @mrimmyowngrandfather:disqus has the right idea with new music that actually breaks the 1940-to-1960 mold of the existing soundtrack.

mi mi mi

Hmm, OK. I had heard that the faction system was downgraded a lot in this one, but not to that extent.

That intro is great, I just heard the full thing the other day (on what is otherwise almost always a pretty bad example of a "dinosaur rock" station, CHOM in Montreal). Of course, the start of the main guitar lick all by itself is still the part that gets the adrenaline pumping. I love to hear a great rock guitarist