Chum Joely

Heh, yeah, I heard there was a quest with him— I actually just wanted to look up the actor's name, but the first several hits were all about that mission. Most people talking about it seemed to think that Travis is the most annoyingly insufferable character in the game, and were thrilled to have a mission that would

@SeedyC:disqus, I have to agree that there is something tragically poetic about that moment when the whole mission comes down to making that one 75% shot… and you miss it. Sure, you still have to play the rest of the mission at that point, but Central might as well call in the clean-up crew now and tell them to bring


Just me and Butcher Pete, alone in a closed room. I'll bring my electrified Chinese officer's sword, Pete brings whatever he's got. We'll see who gets whacked, packed and stacked.

That definitely helps too. The problem is that our apartment has gotten too small as the kids have grown up (and I started working at home), so, long story short, my wife's work area is in the living room and she is not a big fan of hearing my clicking controller and general cursing under my breath, even when I have

The rocks-in-water environmental puzzle I mentioned more or less falls into that category (fortunately, I think, it is the first in a chain, so no backtracking to deal with yet). I'll get there.

I just listened to that album a week after the election, not really thinking about the current relevance at first but realizing it with full force once it got underway. Also funny to hear the references in other tracks to "the prophets of rage" which is of course the name of Chuck D's new(-ish) thing with Tom Morello

For me too, that's the best track on their best album. That solo sounds exactly like the sun setting on a person's tragically incomplete life, just like in the utterly poetic lyrics. Bone-shaking synergy on that shit.

Additional example: Almost the entirety of the Mesopotamia EP. Back when Ricky Wilson was alive, their sound was (even) much more exciting and weird.

"Mongoloid" is pretty awesome as well.

Aw, shoot. That will be an important mod for me. (I have to admit that the companion dialogue does seem to repeat a lot… like both she and Nick have occasionally said the same thing twice in a 15-second span.)

Besides "b", there's also "i", "u", and my personal favorite, "spoiler". Oh but how do you do "strikethrough"?!

Yeah, I predict great things for (my appreciation of) this game, based on what little I have seen so far.

Ah, Super Meat Boy, gotta get back to that (I have only played about the first third). Although my one remaining PS3 controller (which I plug into my laptop) is getting a bit rickety, it might not survive…

Oof, that's rough. My mother-in-law just had a very near miss with losing her leg for the same reason (after a near-death experience or two with the infection itself), and the emotional roller coaster on that was bad enough.

I've been known to turn down projects and/or finish old ones faster so that I can have a day or two off and just overload on video games. After two weeks I think my skin would be crawling though.

Oh, the interiors one sounds cool. I don't think I've ever used a mod at all, but I keep running into interesting recommendations for Fallout and XCOM games, which are among my favorite games ever, so maybe it's time to start.

I share this assessment. There are a few on there like that— the Ink Spots' "Maybe" and "I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire" are at the very top of the list too— but that is one of the best walkin'-around tunes.

(sad party noisemaker sound)

I'm going to go with "The Step and the Walk" by the Duke Spirit. I heard this on some random podcast out of France, and when I first heard it, I distinctly remember having to put down what I was doing and just listen because of the intense chills running down my spine.