Chum Joely

I played through it a couple of years back (already!), and it was kind of amusing but ultimately fell pretty flat for me. Maybe it's because I had never played a Tex Murphy game before, but some of its quirks (notably the super-clunky dialogue system) and the nostalgic Kickstartery humor just seemed annoying or

OK, I suppose we can't "know" what would have happened in a hypothetical situation. But let's face it, this campaign has been far more polarizing than any one I remember (my first election was Clinton vs. Bush), so people on all sides are more worked up about the outcome. And there was certainly plenty of rhetoric

"Am I… a winner?" (sips Robitussin from a slipper)

I actually think most of the Democrats in Washington have been very gracious in defeat. The question of "accepting the results" aside, I find it difficult to imagine that Trump would have handled things with nearly as much class as Clinton has.

See, mine were more like:

Heh, OK maybe I wasn't listening carefully and I jumped to a conclusion for that last bit about radiation sickness.

I think there's a setting for that. On some modes (not sure if it's "Hardcore" i.e. the one that also requires that you eat, drink and sleep regularly, or just a higher difficulty setting), I believe there is permadeath for companions.

I'll keep my ears open ;)

I liked "End of the World" a lot, and there were plenty of others where the original meaning of the song gets a darkly humorous twist in the Fallout setting (like the "monster on two legs" one when you have just been dealing with feral ghouls, or "Great Balls of Fire" for that matter).

I guess I am kind of used to failing repeatedly in video games… it seems to be part of my "style" (sigh). I just pretend I'm playing Hotline Miami and imagine that countless near-identical deaths are all part of the fun!

It's true that a bit of galactic space opera could help to make this week's events seem very, very small. A mere side-mission in the grand video game saga we call life.

Remember that one part of the second escape sequence where you have to make a somewhat significant detour (in the highly inviting "upwards" direction, no less) which turns out to be a dead end, just so you can trigger some huge rocks falling from the ceiling to open up your path in a completely different direction? I

With Yes-Man? Who does that?!

Not only alive, but still listening to great music!

Veronica turns up at some trading post on a major highway, as I recall. Her loyalty mission had to do with the Brotherhood of Steel.

Also, I will have to go back to New Vegas to see, but I have been very, very impressed with some of the "deep cuts" I have heard in Fallout 4. There's one about a terrible monster that walks on two legs— "it's a man!"— that really stuck in my head. That might have been Ella Fitzgerald, whom I utterly adore.

I didn't play with a whole lot of different companions, but I am not ashamed to admit that I fell deeply in love with Veronica. I got her the dress and everything.

Short WHYFTW post this week. I wrapped up Ori and the Blind Forest last weekend— lovely game and nicely challenging. The "race against time" segments at the end of each of the game's major acts could be a bit (or rather, "controller-snappingly") frustrating at times, especially the second one after restoring the

I finally got started on my big project translating an entire book on the Legend of Zelda series, so I've had a bit less time for gaming recently. (I may have to pick up this mini NES and actually play some Zelda games…) I have also been hit by a vague general sense of unease with the world for some reason (hi

It stands for you! The player! (dies of embarrassment)