Chum Joely


I wonder how this turned out in the end…

Exactly— "Steven King miniseries in Twin Peaks" says it all. As far as the gameplay, I was pretty impressed that they managed to keep mixing things up sufficiently, given that the core mechanics (flashlights, flares & guns) are quite limited. The few "tower defense" sequences with the huge spotlight, and most

I'm cool with waiting for/earning the zubmarine. The rest sounds pretty neat— I like the idea of exploring the abysses (that didn't occur to me but it's the perfect thing for this DLC), and the currents to speed up travel sound like a damn godsend. Thanks for the overview!

I confirm that I have not been able to get into Fallout 3 after playing New Vegas first, despite multiple attempts. It just feels more drab and less exciting. Maybe the backstory (or story arc in general) just wasn't as motivating… I remember really connecting with the story with New Vegas.

I started on KRZ Act IV but didn't get far— I have been more into action-y games recently. I'm debating about whether I should go back to the first one and start over, since I have forgotten most of what I knew about who the characters are and what happened in earlier episodes. That will make for a lot of replay time

Oh cool, I had pretty well burnt out on Sunless Sea (as I am wont to do with roguelikes, which I never seem to finish), but it sounds like Zubmariner might be good motivation to try it again. So I guess it basically adds a bunch of underwater locations and/or zubmarine-zpecific quests?

And now for a (post-) Halloween edition of What Have You Finished This Week…

I finished two games this week, including one from way back in my backlog— but I'll save that for my WHYFTW post. Suffice it to say that with two games wrapped up in a week, I am on a roll and ready to beat down that backlog a little more…

Then you explained the joke. Sigh…

It can be two things! (Am I doing it right?)

That's the one! Thanks, it was getting boring being able to sleep at night and use the stairs without cowering in fear.

Hey, that reminds me of the SCP Foundation which is dedicated to "true" stories of the supernatural. I haven't read a lot on there, but there was one a few years back (can't find the link just yet) about someone exploring a mysterious stairwell (in an abandoned industrial complex, natch) which went down indefinitely…

Always sometimes monsters?

Well, I'm about to turn 41, so… it's never too late!

…Yes! Several!

Thanks! You didn't have to do all my searches for me! 8^)

"Far apart" relative to how slowly the characters move… Oh well, maybe the issue is just that I have been playing super-fast-paced action games and this is a major change from that.

Heh, "N64 emulator for Windows 10", something just seems wrong about typing that into Google… Thanks, though, this is very useful info.

Cool, thanks (to you and everyone else) for the detailed suggestions. The real issue now is getting my hands on the appropriate platforms for all of these. All I actually own from Nintendo is a Wii, but I think my brother has every possible permutation and combination so I should be able to borrow from him.