Chum Joely

Heh, yeah I like that sort of funny puzzle too (in DotT, you have to trigger a rainstorm at some point, and as in real life, the best way to bring the rain is by washing your car).

In DotT, one major issue is that everything seems to just be really far apart and confusingly placed, so I am constantly hiking around for long periods of time (relatively speaking) to try out a solution that, 9 times out of 10, doesn't work. I am not used to having to take notes for a run-of-the-mill adventure game

Nice. New Vegas in particular is emotionally deeper than you might expect, even when it's completely ridiculous. It had a few "meaningful moments" for me as well.

Wow, three games finished in a week! That's quite an accomplishment, did you sleep at all?

I have yet to check out Sam and Max but it always sounded like it was pretty hilarious from what I've heard. I actually have more interest in playing those games than I ever had for DotT, but DotT happened to come up as the "Revue Club Game" on Steam (even though nobody seems to be actually playing it) so I took a

I hear you about the combat— I found it overwhelming at first too. In my case, it turned out that I hadn't really grasped a key aspect of combat on my first attempt, namely that you have to "burn away the darkness" (i.e. fully deplete the enemies' shields) before bullets will do any damage. I also wasn't making very

Touché. (That's French for "Sir, you have rhetorically grabbed me by the pussy.")

Halloween weekend! I expect that a lot of my time will be taken up with kid-related Halloween activities, but I'm trying to get in a bit of spooky time with games too.

What a bunch of clowns! (checks script) Damn it I'm on the wrong page!

No way, I would be so disgusted of that.

You must not live in the inner city, where, as we all know from Trump's analysis of conditions there, you literally cannot walk down the street ever without being shot.

The real problem is getting them inside there in the first place!

Things we've learned from this article:
- Dick and his guys are right behind Donald Trump.
- They also really want him in there.
- Eric Trump looks like the idiot bastard son of Count Dracula.


You don't look cool! You look like an idiot!

Oh yeah, The Swapper. Weird little game, I liked it a lot. It was a strange feeling to notice how quickly I started to think of the clones as disposable tools to solve the puzzles with. ((crunch))

OK, you're making me ill… :(

Welcome to the AV Club!

Yes, just look at all the seething hatred pouring forth! I think this nipple twister is on to something!

Thanks for the detailed answer! I think I've heard the "Limbo as proof of concept for Inside" idea elsewhere too. Sounds like I am going to really enjoy it.