Chum Joely

Indeed, no need to make it a technical discussion for linguistics nerds (geeks? ahem) or anything, but yeah, sometimes when there are two different words it's because they refer to two different things…?


I have hesitated to read Tintin in English translation because each of the characters (especially Haddock) have such unique voices in French. I'm sure there are funny equivalents of "Mille millions de mille sabords", "marin d'eau douce" and the rest, or Tintin's "Saperlipopette!", but I am perfectly happy with the

Currently on my list, glad to hear you liked it! I was hoping to get to it by Halloween but I may still be on Alan Wake by then (I don't have a ton of time for games).

I'm playing Alan Wake right now, and I'm not sure if this is a distinction that people really make, but it seems to me to be much more about "terror" (oh my god I'm going to die) than it is about "horror" (no no no what is this horrible abomination before me). The creepy/horror stuff seems to be more confined to the

Probably not all that easy to crank out maximum creative effort every week. As @Part Parachute says, certain factors awaken creativity and they probably just have to roll with it when the comedy is flowing.

Happy Fun Ball?
Colon Blow?

Hey, that's exactly how my first child was conceived!

You have seen Bass-o-Matic, right?

Yeah, that was really a bit more German than French but I am willing to let it slide 8^P

You shall address her with her proper title as befitting a Lady!

I live in Quebec, have a number of friends straight out of France, and have watched my fair share of French movies and TV (undubbed, un-subtitled). And with that being said: Kate McKinnon (my current pop-culture crush, incorrect orientation be damned) and Cecily Strong killed it completely to death with their French

Dave Foley can be so damn cute sometimes.

Respectfully disagree. It was supposed to be ridiculously lame.

The music is a major aspect of the funny, because so incredibly dorky. I think I'll get it on iTunes and put it in a playlist along with "PPAP (Pen-Pineapple-Apple Pen)".

He looks like a more party-oriented version of Simon Milligan from the Pit of Ultimate Darkness:

Yeah but the ending was actually pretty effective.

I have been saving up "With all due respect, go fuck yourself" as a nuclear bomb insult, just in case. Effective for precisely the reason you mention.

This guy… A bunch of other commenters have already mentioned how Kevin Meaney was a mainstay on various precursors of Comedy Central, along with Norm McDonald, Kevin Nealon, and various other comics who seem pretty old-school now, but were actually kind of intriguing at the time, compared to the "How about those

Yes!!! That is one of the high points of the "In 3D" album for me, actually. It fits so perfectly!