Chum Joely

And now for this week's edition of "What Have You Finished This Week"…

Heh, that joke with the Alarming Scholar somehow never got old for me, but maybe that's because I stopped going to see her (it's "her", isn't it?) after a while and just held on to my various Lamentable Relics and Searing Enigmas and such for other purposes.

I bought my PC copy in a Steam sale, so I am not exactly sure what came with it. It's not exactly easy to tell what DLC you have installed, either… I am pretty sure that I do have Zaeed, though. I hope I have Shadow Broker too, that was a pretty fun fight the first time out (new alien species! and it's freaking huge

Thanks, good to know!

Still plugging away at Mass Effect 2 and Sunless Sea.

Yeah, I never ever played multiplayer anything, let alone shooters, but in ME3 it was so addictive that I ended up spending about as much time on multiplayer matches as on the game itself. Looking forward to that again once I finish my current playthrough of ME2… but not completely sure I want to get EA's "Origin"

"That depth of intimacy and acceptance is called unconditional love when it exists between people." I still haven't played this game even far enough to beat the first colossus (I think I was pretty burnt out on this studio/look after Ico), but damn if you aren't pulling me back to my dusty old PS3. I'm really glad

"Cool chicks walk away from explosions… Their tattoos shine as they walk a-way-hey…"

Gunplay is SO much more precise and effective with M&K though. The switch has marked a major chapter in my evolution as a gamer. I would hate to go back without a damn good reason (and "planet-scanning sucks" ain't it).

(Tears "super fan" certificate to shreds)

You could totally be right, don't know how things work at BioWare/EA… Although I did used to work at Ubisoft Montreal (in localization) and I even know one of the writers for the Mass Effect series… and I have kind of a hard time imagining a scenario where Corporate just imposes a major character on the game à la


Heh, I can totally see where she would rub some people the wrong way. I realize that her attitude (and, especially, her look) is just a tad over the top, but I just find her very amusing to hang out with. A Mass Effect character who swears constantly and insults everyone is a pretty fun addition to the (mostly)

I'll try it, but do I have to worry about the effect on the rest of the game? (I have no idea what this option is so I have no intuition on its potential effects)

Got it. I had only heard the one with Antony. I have heard a fair amount of VU but not all that many Lou Reed solo tracks outside of the best-known ones.

Mild-mannered nerd committed to making things better for both her small, tight-knit community and the galaxy as a whole? I can totally get into that.

Yeah man, get back to London and cash in your Port Reports for Admiralty's Favour and get those cheap repairs (25 Echoes for full repair)!

Whoa, really? I guess you're right since it's on the first record. D'oh.

You know what, that was absolutely my reaction on my first playthrough. But for some reason the mouse & keyboard controls makes it feel like you are fighting with the user interface of a video game instead of doing an important task in the spacey world inside the game. I really should see if I can make it work with

"Perfect Day", that's the one with Anthony right? Good pick.