Chum Joely

Sounds like our family too! I used to play Zork off a 5.25" floppy on my Dad's Compaq PC (_two_ disk drives! Wow!) in his office at the university. Good times.

Don't forget "proximity to Washington DC"

In this game, the owls are actually exactly what they seem. Still pretty chill tho

Hey, it`s for self-lovers too!

Man, you do make an effort to coin all sorts of new terms, don't you.

Yeah it was definitely a "sorry/not sorry" kind of situation.

Yeah, I am kind of going nuts on PC games because I finally bought a laptop that is sufficiently high-powered for a proper gaming experience (though far from the top of the line in that regard). So, from past experience, I totally understand the pain of games you want to play (and even install!) but your PC won't let

First time through, I did play as a female Shepard and loved it. And from the few clips I had seen of ManShep, I didn't like his voice at all. But some folks on here said he gets better at certain points later in the game, so in the name of exploring the Mass Effect universe from as many angles as possible, I decided

So here's my "WHYFTW" post— What Have You Finished This Week? Funny you should ask, self: I've finished the original Mass Effect in about 10 days by the calendar. Not bad for an old guy with young kids and a job! This was my first time playing on PC, and I'm amazed at how fast it went this time, side missions and all.

Well, I finished Mass Effect back on Monday (as described at mind-numbing length in another post), so at first, I was sure that I would be spending all my gaming time this weekend on Mass Effect 2. I'm a few missions into it and it hasn't really heated up yet… which is OK because I still haven't gotten used to the

Liked for Fu Schnickens!!!!

(high five)

Pronounced Míster Siníster, right?

There's some crazy shit in the old Joy of Cooking, it looks completely innocuous on the shelf but you had to have a high-powered arsenal and an industrial polymer extruder in the garage to make half the stuff in there.

Is it still a "grilled cheese" if it has meat in it, though?

I assume you mean KD?

Gorgonzola on chunky grainy whole wheat FTW


Nah, I just meant that she, in particular, stopped liking them as she got older. As far as I'm concerned, chips are forever!!!

President of the company, you old bucket of bolts!