Chum Joely

I'm American, but my kids (born and raised here in Canada) were way into ketchup chips for a little while there. My daughter has outgrown everything except tortilla chips and Kettle salt & vinegar chips (which are excellent), but my son has recently gotten into the Lay's pickle-flavor chips. Which, to me, taste like

Counterpoint: I am playing Mass Effect 1 right now and I keep running into this weird situation where you encounter the same "pre-fab" map that gets recycled for multiple side missions (e.g. a Kowloon-class freighter or yet another planetside "mercenary stronghold"). And there is one of the incarnations out there in

My wife still suddenly busts out with "You can do it! You can do the Pac-Man!" at random intervals. And I totally remember the Ms. Pac-Man jingle with "Shocking — !!! — shocking pink!" marshmallows.

I always just preferred to pour a few boxes of regular Nerds candy into a bowl and add milk.

i hate you

Congrats on the kid! Baby times are so long ago for us now, man was that intense. Our kids are 7 and 10 now so it's a completely different scenario. For example, my kids are now taking the metro home alone from their school across town in the second-biggest city in Canada (last I checked). Yikes.

Dude, I have way too many games to play "right away" as it is. Why do you have to insist on putting this pressure on me to play Invisible Inc.? For two weeks in a row?!

Ha, that is exactly what happened to me when I played an RB6 game years back and I just ditched the franchise forever. But I tend to be highly allergic to shooters that aren't BioWare or Bethesda.

This guy thinks a nuclear bomb is a "neat" solution… What happens in your world when things get messy?!

So what you're saying is, Diefenbaker sabotaaged a perfectly good space program.

Still plugging away on my Mass Effect playthrough. Work has been crazy the past few days so I have slowed a bit, but I got through Feros (and all the side quests along the way), so I'm ready to bundle up for a trip to chilly Noveria, then back to the Citadel to clean up some other side quests and then Virmire where I

Good point. That is exactly why I can't stand rocking when I'm in here.

Heh, yeah that is a classic exercise for beginning linguists. The one I remember from the class when I first "discovered" linguistics was the one where we used distributional analysis on a Persian restaurant menu to figure out what each Persian/Farsi word meant in English (similar to figuring out on an Indian menu

Yeah, I am a linguist and translator by trade so I should really check this out on a more professional level. Let's see if I can come up with some insight on this in the next week. :p

We are, indeed, entirely aware that he planned it. But fear not, we are going to set straight this proverbial Watergate.

Interesting, time to check out some Richard Burton.

TOTALLY. Oh man, since this seems to be my thread for random tangents, that reminds me of a time recently (when I still worked at an office for somebody else) where I and all of my Quebecois colleagues were in a conference call with a potential client from Chicago who had the most incredible "Mike Dikka" accent ever,

Oh, bummer. I tend to be ill-informed about the real humans behind my entertainment figures, so I didn't know about that.

OK, I'll just come out and admit it— I am just completely baffled by this article. With a moderate effort, I've managed to discern the basic premise that makes Tokyo Mirage Sessions potentially interesting, but its contribution seems to be built on top of a vast mountain of music and gaming culture that is completely