Chum Joely

So he was known for sexual harassment, then. Interesting choice.

I kind of wonder about that "Sabotaage" pronunciation. It's not a word that comes up much in conversation among my friends and acquaintances in Montreal, but for all I know, that could actually be the normal Canadian way of saying it. They do say that sort of "aa" (as in "bad") in lots of places where Americans would

The images from the Flickr account are gorgeous, and the artist quotes to go with them are pretty interesting too. My personal favorite so far is the comment from Pat Dypold about her butterfly drawing— "it's virtually dateless in concept and design". Eh, maybe not. Still pretty.

Basically just wave a knife near the jar and tap it once on the toast. Perfect!

Oh hell yeah. I definitely liked the atmosphere that came from the story interludes, but a lot of it was ultimately pretty disposable (although I loved Richard in the first game, and there were a few solid moments in the second one where they acknowledged issues from the first one). Against that general background,

Downvoted for incorrect use of "begs the question".

Aside from the issue of commentary and "insight", it sounds like another contrast with the Hotline Miami series is that those two games knew how to balance the many "kill 'em all" moments with other moments when the best thing to do was NOT to fire your weapon— to hide and wait for the right moment to strike, or to

As a huge fan of Hotline Miami, I was intrigued and amused by the comment that "There’s a simple joy to repeatedly elbowing a frenzied hobo in the face." Too bad the game as a whole apparently doesn't stick a little closer to such simple, homespun pleasures.

If it turns out that that's not the ending of this game, I know a number of indie game developers who would love to sit down with you and brainstorm!

Jake Gyllenhaal flexes right out of the room!

Thanks for taking the time to write out your thoughts about this. As I mentioned elsewhere (I think), I really do just need to think about it rather than simply holding on to my existing opinion because it's my existing opinion.

I mean, in retrospect I kind of get that the site mattered, culturally speaking, as one of the first "opinionated aggregators"… but it was like Buzzfeed before anyone cared and even Buzzfeed doesn't really deserve to exist now, so… hmm.

(which, despite the use of "burn in hell", is obviously the most rational stance one can hold with regard to Trump)

Your parenthetical comment at the end slightly deflates the rest of it. One can certainly be conservative, and even Republican (on its current, not-exactly-conservative definition) without being hateful or a bigot. Remember that those categories cover a wide range of issues, not just the social or racial stuff you are

I don't know Cinders, but you can't really go wrong with Transistor. It is basically turn-based combat à la XCOM, but with the option for more "live" action-style play if you prefer. The visuals and soundtrack are simply gorgeous. Recommend.

I am surprised and intrigued. What's the title of this alleged book (assuming it isn't just "Fark")? [EDIT: Oh, I see the title was in your original post. Carry on.]

Not directly related, but I just wanted to say that as someone who was around (and at my prime teenage Internet age) when the Internet was first invented, I am utterly fucking astonished that Fark still exists.

Thanks, I do live in Montreal (for over 11 years now), so I should really be more informed about these things.

Oh, I totally forgot about that battle you mentioned. I remember it as being hard but way more manageable than the worst of ME1 (possibly because I and/or the controls and/or my characters were way crappier at that stage). That part where you're battling them in the cargo plane (or whatever) with the door open at