Chum Joely

Pardon me for interrupting, but— how did you achieve the "redacted" effect in your post? Is there a < spoiler > tag here now like on Steam?

I have a couple of friends who absolutely cannot get enough of it. Like, "where has this game been all my life" type of reaction. If I had a PS4, I would have a conundrum now as to whether I should check it out.

Yeah, couldn't have said it better myself. So apparently I was just kidding myself by not having an alcohol-themed user name like you two, since we seem to have had similar experiences ;)

"overly violent renegade reactions". Got it, I will be sure to really go nuts with the Renegade stuff now, just so I can see some of those. Thanks.

I dunno, I was into craft beer and I think I may have been spending around $300 (Canadian) a month on it.

Good, so based on this and a few other replies to your comment here, I have something to look forward to! My brother said he preferred Meer to Hale anyway, which I find impossible to believe ("prefer X to Jennifer Hale" has no plausible solutions for X, in my book), but it does mean that some people did really

Whoa, that is really bizarre. Neil Hamburger and Faith No More. I mean, it makes sense in a freaky kind of way… which, come to think of it, is probably the only sort of way which would apply to any of these folks in any situation.

Please don't tell me you had the "Jim Morrison, American Poet" poster. That thing made me want to set fires.

RHCP, ugh. Blood Sugar Sex Magic was OK at the time, otherwise I never really got into them.

Indeed, the "more is more" approach was kind of over the top. I remember a combat tutorial a couple of hours into ME3 where I thought to myself, they are giving me too many tools and techniques, please stop before I drown in options…

Hope things are going better in real life now. Random people will die in that game (in that frustrating "oh BTW a whole bunch of bad shit happened" text dump kind of way), but yeah, I could see where that conversation with Alette would be kind of depressing.

Thank you! And that should apply to the world beyond gaming as well.

Patience and precision, yes, but let me tell you that the "what the hell is going on here again?!" syndrome was very common for me when gaming in an altered state (and even more so with cannabis in the mix). That's probably the specific difference I'm most looking forward to enjoying.

As for The Banner Saga, in fact the reason I restarted was a somewhat common one for me— I started, played a couple of hours, and then couldn't find gaming time for a while, so I figured I should "get back into it" properly with a restart. But it didn't hurt that I had fucked up my strategy on that town where Rook and

Counting on it! It's a bit hard to compare because I am now playing on PC, which boosts my accuracy in itself now that I am getting used to mouse and keyboard, but yeah— I just feel a lot more in control of what's going on in combat. This was always an issue with platformers as well, which I adore but could be a bit

Oh yeah, the money difference is definitely already noticeable, especially on the alcohol (I get extremely good miles-per-gallon on the THC part, and besides it's not all that expensive here in Montreal). More money for video games!

Heh, yeah, something along those lines. I know that a bit of weed and a couple of beers could sometimes make even the simplest and/or dumbest story seem incredibly deep, man…

Thanks, man, I know you have tons of sober fun with all kinds of games, so I know that's not a problem ;) I am just more curious about how the transition is going to go. Hard to explain, but my experience of games was often so incredibly "intense" but kind of fuzzy on the details (sometimes in terms of story

I get what you're saying, but I have pretty good confidence that it won't be an issue. The thing about the intoxicants is that they functioned as a warm, hazy overlay for everything else I was doing, including games, whereas I can't just play games all the time. I have these two young kids and a wonderful wife who who

Definitely agree about Noveria, and I remember being quite impressed with Virmire as well (although I felt like I sort of stumbled into the Big Decision there without really realizing what was happening). And yeah, I had vaguely remembered being more impressed with the Reapers in the first game but you reminded me of