Chum Joely

Heh, it's been a while but I see you're still pilin' up the ol' bodies. Keep up the good work!

The kids are finally back to school on Monday after a long summer, and after three weeks of spending all day every day with them— the last two of which I have also spent trying to do my normal workload at home— I am pretty psyched to have some time to myself with some games from the ever-growing backlog! (thanks,

Also, that trailer looks awesome, like Limbo meets Kentucky Route Zero meets Oxenfree, only way scarier. WISHLIST'D

Well, I completely understand what you (and Gerardi) are saying, but in Limbo there were few enough puzzles/situations that (for me) required more than like 5 attempts that I didn't find it to be a defining negative characteristic of the game.

To be fair, it's a pretty lame mustache.

My dad used to have a banner hanging above his desk from an annual meeting of the "American Pho;psphoca; Association". I guess the person must have spent 3 seconds typing that in way too fast (right hand one key too far to the right) and it was never looked at again before printing…

Yeah, I have always relied heavily on teleporting, and I have added cloaking to the mix fairly consistently for the past several runs. The rest of it… yeah, I know it all (except the "crystal" thing, which is probably Advanced Edition content that I haven't turned on yet), it's just that I never seem to get everything

I know! I mean, I really love the game and probably always will, but the worst is when I am in a period of being pissed at the game/my inability to beat it, but I still have this strong compulsion to go back and play "just one more time". The curse of the rogue-like, I suppose.

My recent drive to finally beat FTL: Faster Than Light ended in failure once again. I don't know quite what I'm doing wrong, except that maybe I need to learn to run away from lopsided fights more often. For now, my ship has been rechristened "BORN TO LOSE" and I wander the cosmos living out that grim destiny.

"There was no distinct taste other than the sadness of eating this." I think I'm gonna like this guy.

I'm on it!

I picked up this game on sale just recently, and the more I read down into this thread, the more intrigued I become.

It's true, this is something that really became obvious over time in the XCOM games— no matter how badly injured anyone is, they are still at full strength when it comes to movement distance, cooldown times, and attack strength. I suppose there is probably a mod for that, though… I'll look into it next time I need to

(psst! he wasn't asking you!)

Yeah, the mainstream Canadian beers in particular are actually even worse, on the whole, than the American ones, which is quite an accomplishment. But there are a ton of great microbrews from across Quebec that you can get pretty easily at many places in Montreal.

Oh yeah. Pausing like you would not believe. My personal favorite variant on that is when my away team is close to death but the teleporter hasn't cooled down yet, so they have to dash madly from room to room (with frequent pausing to figure out the safest next step) until the teleporter is back on line and they can

Whew, for a while there I wasn't sure we were getting a WAYPTW this week!

Excuse me while I fold my pants.

Yeah, I saw those two trailers before Deadpool when I saw it last month, and having never seen or heard of the Purge movies, I had to ask my brother whether they were both part of some new "cinematic universe" that I needed to know about but presumably continue to avoid. (He was a bit baffled by Meet the Blacks.)

Hmm, I know a bit of programming… this requires a Twitter bot. Unless there already is a Trump Twitter bot? Anyone? (Note: I do not use Twitter except for a brief dalliance several years ago)