Chum Joely

Sounds like we are playing in about the same way. I have gone over to the tower a few times but it is getting a bit boring to trek back and forth, so I may switch to the approach where I put off the tower until finishing the worlds. Anyway, for now I am a few puzzles into World B as far as that part.

Yep. It's like Binding of Isaac for me, in that way— I see how everything works and I totally SHOULD be able to make it really far through the game, but somehow the wheels always come off at some relatively early point and I just can't make it past like the halfway point. (In BoI, I have gotten as far as taking Mom

I liked it quite a bit! I actually posted about it at some length elsewhere in the comments here, so I'll just refer you to that ;)

Thanks. I do know most of that (some of it from previous generations of helpful commenters like yourself), although I still always hesitate over what upgrades to favor. I usually go for defense-y upgrades but not necessarily shield specifically over other things.

My pleasure!

Yeah, I am not a 100%-er so I am not really thinking about the stars unless I just spot an obvious solution by accident.

Oh, I kind of like the terminals, they give me something to think about while trying for the 47th minute in a row to find juuuuust the right place to position the connector so that I catch all necessary beams and receivers without crossing the beams or getting blocked by one of the floating personality cores or

I just checked that out a bit— thanks, it looks cool. Not visible anywhere on Steam yet, so I can't wishlist it yet. I will have to rely on my dumb old "memory".

Oxenfree is supposed to be Xbox One exclusive? But I just bought it on Steam and played it on PC…

Hey, S&S was like our very first Revue Club game, not counting Analogue: A Hate Story which we shall not speak of again. So S&S has a special place in my heart.

Glad you mentioned the thing about interrupting conversations. That annoyed the heck out of me and I never figured out how to deal with it— other than just not trying to read the signs etc. anymore until I was positively sure that Jonas or whoever had finally stopped talking, at which point it was often too late.

Yeah, I was pretty shocked by the tendency for the camera in all shots involving her to hover just about a foot back and to one side of her butt…

Love the stories that come out of XCOM.


There's actually a whole menu in the game for "Motion Sickness Options", and those are among them (except for the crosshair, I think). I'll mess with it. So far the most effective thing seems to be windowed rather than full-screen, but that and 3rd person POV also seem to spoil the immersion a bit…

Oh yeah, the first thing the game asks you to do is to "SIT" on a bench on the ferry, with no indication of how to do so. Later, the map just randomly appears on your screen (after a mention of where you have to go) with no tip about how to get rid of it, or how to get it back if you want it. The radio thing is sort


You know what, it does help. I have a 9-year-old and a 7-year-old who are moderately into games, so I know that "my kid could do it" is not a condescending comment, but it does mean that SMB is still in reach for me ;)

Whoo-hoo, XCOM 2 to the max! You can probably manage it in a week, provided that you don't worry too much about sleeping.