Chum Joely

I love Rayman (both Origins and Legends). When are they going to put out another Rayman game?!

Ah well that's OK then. I know these are enormous walls of text. I'm making up for all the months when I didn't post anything. Hooray?!

Oh shit, did I post this here before, too? Oh well :p All I remembered was that I tried posting a proper review to Steam but it wouldn't stick…

Part two of "What Have You Finished This Week": Oxenfree.

Once in a while, I actually finish a game, and this week was one of those times. So, here's a "What Have You Finished This Week" (WHYFTW) for XCOM 2.

I've finished off XCOM 2 and Oxenfree earlier in the week, so I'm energized to go back to my backlog and take on some games that have been sitting there for… a while.

On a tangentially related point: I love Chloe, but the point in the game when we hung out in the junkyard with David's gun, I was kind of pissed at her because of her pettiness about Kate, actually… plus her insistence on repeatedly "testing out" my powers, like say by playing around with a damn gun. I really, really

Yeah, obvious joke about how clueless someone is for turning away/not recognizing McCartney.

Great! Yeah, the loading screens are super-long on my PC too. I had gotten used to insanely long load times on PS3 with Enemy Unknown/Within, then I was thrilled to see that they were a lot shorter on PC (like 80% shorter), and then on XCOM 2 we are back to the 30, 45, 60-second load times again. Sheesh.

Sorry :( Maybe if you crank down the details and special effects etc. in the graphics settings…

Ooof, To The Moon. I got about 20 minutes into that and I was just so… bored. I certainly like that kind of game well enough (hell, I even played all the way through the utterly mediocre Always Sometimes Monsters), but To The Moon just completely failed to grab my attention in any way, shape or form.

"Apocryphal" as in, you made it up just now? Or as in, people have actually claimed this?

Ha, one time in college my roommates and I were channel-surfing and landed on the young women's curling championships. We stayed with it for a surprisingly long time. A lot of people talk about the noises that women tennis players make, but women's curling is on a whole other level of "strangely intriguing" (at least

Yeah, I needed a new laptop anyway for work purposes (the previous one was bought in 2008), but I also made extra-sure that the new one was more game-friendly than the old one, even if not top-of-the-line (Acer Aspire V Nitro with 8GB RAM, i7 6500U quad core CPUs, and NVIDIA GeForce 945M video card). Turns out that it

Yeah, she is old enough (9) to not need constant vigilant attention, and besides she is perfectly happy playing Minecraft on her iPad for as long as she can until I say it's time to peel her eyes off the screen for a bit. In the name of not being a total hypocrite (and also in the name of making more time for SAVING

I saw that, but since I don't have a Steam controller and don't intend to get one… (shrug)

I'm totally adding The Witness to my Steam wishlist, after the recent review here, and seeing your posts about it (and also the fact that every time I fire up Steam, it tells me you are playing The Witness— must be pretty engrossing!).

Well, I haven't got very far yet (and it turns out my daughter is home sick from school today, which puts a cramp in my style)… but it IS possible that there are enough new controls that it would be a challenge to fit them onto the gamepad. You can do more stuff in any given situation, e.g. call the Skyranger and

I still find myself getting sad whenever I think about Life Is Strange (I only just finished it a week or two ago), so no way am I going back any time soon. Also, let me confirm that that is indeed an insane set of restrictions you've imposed on yourself…

I think it's a safe bet to say I will be playing as many hours of XCOM 2 as humanly possible this weekend. The game looks great, and I've gone through the tutorial, but controller support (for a PS3 controller disguised as an Xbox 360 controller via MotionInJoy) only seems to work for traversing the menus, not for